Travelling with easyJet

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi everyone,

I'm type 1 podder with libre sensor and I'm going to be flying with easyJet in January. I haven't used easyJet before and I haven't paid for extra luggage as I'm only going for 3 nights but I didn't think about all the extra diabetic stuff I'm gonna need to take as I have had a few problems with knocking off my pod and libre with clothing ect.. anyway I read on a very old post that you can take a small bag with all your medications as extra hand luggage free of charge?!

Is this true had anyone done this or am I going to have to sacrifice a pair of shoes or extra jumper to fit it all in the tiny case they allow as hand luggage ?

Please someone help as I have tried easyJets website and its terrible plus I booked the holiday through Groupon.
anyway I read on a very old post that you can take a small bag with all your medications as extra hand luggage free of charge?!
I think it varies by airline. Judging by easyJet isn't one that allows that:

Portable medical equipment can be brought on board in addition to your cabin bag allowance. Portable medical devices must be no larger than 56 x 45 x 25 cm, otherwise they will have to travel in the hold.​
Common medical devices that can be brought on board include:​
  • CPAP machines
  • Nebulisers
  • TENS machines
  • Portable dialysis machines
If you need to bring several medical devices or a large piece of medical equipment, please contact our Special Assistance team at least 48 hours before your flight so that they can advise you.​

So you might try asking them and maybe you'd be lucky.
Hi everyone,

I'm type 1 podder with libre sensor and I'm going to be flying with easyJet in January. I haven't used easyJet before and I haven't paid for extra luggage as I'm only going for 3 nights but I didn't think about all the extra diabetic stuff I'm gonna need to take as I have had a few problems with knocking off my pod and libre with clothing ect.. anyway I read on a very old post that you can take a small bag with all your medications as extra hand luggage free of charge?!

Is this true had anyone done this or am I going to have to sacrifice a pair of shoes or extra jumper to fit it all in the tiny case they allow as hand luggage ?

Please someone help as I have tried easyJets website and its terrible plus I booked the holiday through Groupon.
I looked into this a while ago when we were flying with Easyjet, and I’m afraid I can’t find any of the links, but what I remember is this,
Yes you can take an extra medical bag.
BUT You need a Doctor's letter, listing every item you need.
Seemed to me that they were making it as hard as possible, so in the end, I sacrificed the extra pair of shoes.
This is from their Ts and Cs, with some relevant wording,
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I looked into this a while ago when we were flying with Easyjet, and I’m afraid I can’t find any of the links, but what I remember is this,
Yes you can take an extra medical bag.
BUT You need a Doctor's letter, listing every item you need.
Seemed to me that they were making it as hard as possible, so in the end, I sacrificed the extra pair of shoes.
Ah, you're right. The page I found didn't seem to include a link to that, but there's a general (rather useful) page here which does:
Thanks for the replies, Bruce that's the only infor i could find too, I'm just wondering if they will class libres and pods as medical equipment .
I have tried to contact them but it seems the only way is through the messenger which I have a feeling is a bot as I just kept getting the same answers .

Think Robin is right and the shoes will have to stay home .

If I can find an email address I will email with my queries as I suppose it's always worth a try .
I just make sure I get a duty free bag and stuff that full of things I need on the plane, plus anything else I haven't put back in my rucksack, and carry that on as well as my rucksack.
As well as stuffing my pockets if I need to.
No one has ever queried anything.
Bruce this is a fantastic find I've screenshot and bookmarked the page looks like my shoes will be coming after all
You've still got to jump through the hoops, though, Bruce's link sends you to the page I screenshotted, which states the requirement for a doctors letter. If you’ve got a helpful GP who doesn’t charge too much (or preferably a DSN who may do a letter free of charge) you may be OK. (You should travel with a doctors letter stating the need for insulin and sharps in any case, Ive never been asked for mine, but some folk on here have been)
I have resorted to @travellor 's method of large pockets in the past, too!
You've still got to jump through the hoops, though, Bruce's link sends you to the page I screenshotted, which states the requirement for a doctors letter. If you’ve got a helpful GP who doesn’t charge too much (or preferably a DSN who may do a letter free of charge) you may be OK. (You should travel with a doctors letter stating the need for insulin and sharps in any case, Ive never been asked for mine, but some folk on here have been)
I have resorted to @travellor 's method of large pockets in the past, too!

I always layer up as well.
I travel with just a small rucksack, with a few t shirts, spare shorts or jeans, tablet and travel adapter, and a few other essentials.
So fleece, coat/waterproof, hat, always get worn or carried on as well.
Robin, thanks I will give my dsn a call I'm lucky she is lovely and will hopefully do the letter free of charge as my GP is useless unfortunately I lost all faith in my GP when she missed the obvious signs of diabetes and told me I had a viral infection. Luckily the local pharmacy did me a test and sent me straight to A+E as my BS where so high the machine couldn't read it.
I always layer up as well.
I travel with just a small rucksack, with a few t shirts, spare shorts or jeans, tablet and travel adapter, and a few other essentials.
So fleece, coat/waterproof, hat, always get worn or carried on as well.
I'm going to Amsterdam in January so I'll definitely be layering up
Hi @sara81 I’ve flown with EasyJet a few times and have taken a medical bag as an extra hand-luggage item. I read that I could on their website but emailed them to confirm. I just told any staff who asked that it was a permitted extra medical bag and I had no issues. I also took my diabetes letter as I always do, and made sure to actively tell Security that I had diabetes, was wearing a pump, carrying insulin and medical equipment, etc.

Have a great trip 🙂
It will be my first time going for the light festival it's supposed to be amazing
I remember it as amazing even without the light festival. I lived for about a year in Utrecht (which, like everywhere in the Netherlands, is close to Amsterdam), but that was back in the 1990s. The winter I was there the canals froze over so there was some excitement because of that (it only happened every few years).
I have travelled with EasyJet many times but always been able to include my diabetes stuff in my hand luggage without the need for an extra medical bag. Even in January, I travel light and easily have space for everything for 3 days in a wheelie. I am currently in London for 3 days on a work trip and have everything in my work backpack including my laptop.
With security, I only tell them I have diabetes stuff if they ask me to go through the body scanner. Needles, etc. are too small to be seen but I wouldn't risk my pump. If there is no body scanner, I see no reason to share personal medical information with a stranger.
Don't forget to take insulin pens and spare insulin. I appreciate OmniPods are fully self contained but you could lose your PDM or suddenly have a reaction to the OmniPod glue.
Hi, I have just come back from a week away using Easyjet as my airline. I had no issues with them and had both a cabin bag and a crossbody bag with diabetes gear in.
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