Travelling and running out of Insulin

Simon Clarke

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am from UK but have lived in Malaysia for last 10 years. Was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 6 years ago. I am in Seaford in East Sussex on Summer Hols but will run out of Insulin (Nova Rapid) in next few days, as I was not diagnosed in UK I cannot get a prescription. Anyone know how I can get sone Insulin to last me until I get back to Malaysia.
If you call 111 they should be able to advise. Do you have a copy of your current prescription?
No that is the problem as where I currently live on Malaysia you do not need a prescription to get your insulin

They should be able to issue an emergency prescription @Simon Clarke Insulin is a crucial medication. How much longer are you in the U.K.?

No help now, but when travelling always take at least twice as much of everything than you think you’ll need.