Travel To South America

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

Well I have just been made redundant, and rather than return to live in the UK (currently I live and work in Austria) and wait for the economy to improve and therefore improve my chances of getting work, I am thinking of taking a sabatical.

I backpacked a lot in my 20s but this will be the first time in my 40s with my diabetes type 2.

Therefore i need to know about the availability and ease of access to Metformine across South America, considering getting more than 60 days from my UK doctor has always proved impossible. I assume diabetics around the world use this drug, but I thought I would ask anyway. So if anyone has some knowledge of the situation, that would be greatly appreciated.

Also if anyone can recommend a cheap travel insurance that would be great.


travel in South America

Sorry, can't help you with advice about buying Metformin in South America. If you return to being (briefly) resident in UK, your GP might be more open to prescribing a holiday's worth of tablets. Personally, I get 20 cartridges of each type of insulin whenever I ask, which lasts me over 6 months. I think that Diabetes UK keeps contact details for national diabetes organisations, so would be worth asking.

However, I can help with information about travelling in South America - Ecuador, Chile & Argentina, plus Falkland Islands / Las Malvinas, South Georgia, Costa Race & Dominican Republic nearby - all independent travel, somealone, some with boyfriend or leading youth expeditions. The most important thing is to learn some Spanish, if you don't speak it already (and don't intend to stay in Brazil or the Guyanas).

For insurance, don't accept any that automatically charges you more for having diabetes - many don't. Also, check that the activities you want to do will be included eg some policies exclude hiking above 2000m - and several popular toursit cities are above that altitude. For outdoor activities, I've found Snowcard very good.
Hallo Rupert

I don't have advice, just a question. If you live and work in Austria, why not ask a doctor there for your metformin? Why would you see a UK doctor if you live and work in Austria? Sorry if I seem nosy but I am curious.
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