Travel to China

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Hi there
I am possibly going to China on a long term work contract. Obviously I will need decent travel insurance, preferably one that covers the costs of insulin flex pens and needles etc etc, but also costs of hospital appointments with diabetes specialists, eye screening etc.
Does anyone have any experience of this themselves, or do you have any recommendations?
The Home Office usually have information on what's available where, if that Government release such things to ours. In any case on the basis they are the ones asking you to go, what arrangements are your employers making to make this possible for you?
Hi Jenny
Thanks so much for your response. The job is a new contract with a new employer (for me). The insurance they provide only covers injury and accidents at work. I am thinking of trying to take enough insulin with me to cover the duration of the contract but will need to register with a doctor there I suppose and was hoping that I could claim the costs of medical visits check ups and medication/ supplies back from whatever travel insurance I take out myself.
Hi Jenny
Thanks so much for your response. The job is a new contract with a new employer (for me). The insurance they provide only covers injury and accidents at work. I am thinking of trying to take enough insulin with me to cover the duration of the contract but will need to register with a doctor there I suppose and was hoping that I could claim the costs of medical visits check ups and medication/ supplies back from whatever travel insurance I take out myself.

Roger - I have grave doubts any travel insurer would reimburrse you costs of routine visits to a doctor. They usually only cover for unepected events and emergencies.

How long are you actually going for? That might influence your next steps.
A UK GP can only prescribe 3 month's supply of anything. If you're out of the country in excess of 3 months, they're supposed to remove you from their 'list' - the money they receive from the NHS is dependant on the number of patients they have registered so claiming for anyone who has 'disappeared' would constitute fraud on their part.
A UK GP can only prescribe 3 month's supply of anything. If you're out of the country in excess of 3 months, they're supposed to remove you from their 'list' - the money they receive from the NHS is dependant on the number of patients they have registered so claiming for anyone who has 'disappeared' would constitute fraud on their part.
Jenny I didn't know that. Very interesting.
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