Travel sickness tablets

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Just a quick question. I am off on holiday to Barra for a week. It is almost 5 hours on the from Oban. I went into Boots to get travel sickness tablets and the pharmacist wouldn’t sell them to me offering travel wrist bands instead. She said none were suitable for diabetics. What do others use?
Thanks in advance
Just a quick question. I am off on holiday to Barra for a week. It is almost 5 hours on the from Oban. I went into Boots to get travel sickness tablets and the pharmacist wouldn’t sell them to me offering travel wrist bands instead. She said none were suitable for diabetics. What do others use?
Thanks in advance
I always take Stugeron. There’s nothing in the patient information leaflet about them not being suitable if you have Diabetes, but it does say the tablets contain sucrose. Some pharmacists won’t sell anything to people with Diabetes if it contains sugar, so I wonder if this is why. I can just correct with insulin if necessary, but I can’t say I’ve ever noticed an effect on my Blood Glucose. The tablets are so small, they can’t contain that much sugar!
I also use sea bands, (I like the belt and braces approach) and they’ve worked for me without the Stugeron.
Thank you, I will purchase them, like you just being extra cautious, I had sea sickness 30 years ago but the memory of it has never left me, despite being on other boats.
You lucky person. I would kill for a week on Barradise. White sand beaches, hundreds of wildflowers and birds you will rarely see on the mainland, particularly the corncrake.

Travel sickness? I've sailed on most of Calmac ferries, and they are all exceptionally stable, at least in summer. They serve the best hot breakfast in Scotland. You hardly sense the movement of the ship. My wife has a tendency to get seasick on smaller boats on the sea, but was never troubled on the ferry from Oban to Mull summer or winter when we lived there.

Travel sickness wrist bands are about as much use as a chocolate poker, except psychologically. I'm sure that tablets for travel sickness have no harmful effect on T1 folk, don't know about T2, and neither do pharmacists. So get your other half to get some. Or if you want to avoid tablets, ginger is useful, either in biscuits (which also contain sucrose:rofl:) or as Sea-Band Sugar free gum. There are may similar products on Amazon.
I would ask your DSN or similar person. I was prescribed them for labyrinthitis and the first ones caused palpitations which added to my misery as I was already suffering from dizziness and nausea. Always try them before you travel.
Travel sickness wrist bands are about as much use as a chocolate poker, except psychologically
Psychological probably, they were recommended by my GP for Morning Sickness, and what you believe works probably will, but they saved my sanity in early pregnancy by taking the edge off sufficiently to turn me into functioning-sort-of, from non-functioning!
I'd second ginger, as well.
Psychological probably, they were recommended by my GP for Morning Sickness, and what you believe works probably will, but they saved my sanity in early pregnancy by taking the edge off sufficiently to turn me into functioning-sort-of, from non-functioning!
I'd second ginger, as well.
Yes, your GP was probably, like me, of the generation who can clearly remember that Thalidomide was prescribed for morning sickness in pregnancy so were paranoid about any drug in early pregnancy.
Yes, your GP was probably, like me, of the generation who can clearly remember that Thalidomide was prescribed for morning sickness in pregnancy so were paranoid about any drug in early pregnancy.
50 years age before the days of easy pregnancy tests I remember there was a tablet that you could take that would bring on a period if you were not pregnant but not if you were. But many years later it was found these could be have been the cause of birth defects.
It is frightening to think what we didn't know then.
Ginger root capsules are available from Holland and Barrett. Almost 40 years ago we went to Benbecula, CalMac ferry from Oban went past Barra, looked spectacular in the sunset. Very smooth ferry. The Scillonian was another matter........
All of the ferries from Oban sail past Isle of Mull to the south and the Ardnamurchan peninsula to the North. (Except, of course, the ferries to Mull). The very end of the Ardnamurchan peninsula, Corrachad Mor, is the most westerly point on the UK mainland. (You wouldn’t think so if all you see is weather maps on the TV. The UK mainland is tilted in reality, making Edinburgh on the east side of Scotland further west than Bristol.)

The children of folk from the few settlements on the peninsula get the ferry from Kilchoan to Tobermory on the Isle of Mull on a Monday morning for high school and return on the Friday, though the numbers are variable, never into double figures.
MikeyB, I am really looking forward to this holiday, and loving you comments. May even change my profile picture
I find it helps to sit in the middle of the ferry, you dont feel the rock and roll so much. When I went to St. Kilda (4 hours each way on a small boat) I took Boots own brand travel pills, wasn't told Diabetics shouldn't take them. Didn't affect my BG readings.
So happy for you and your vacation! And I understand your problems with sickness; I always have it, especially when going somewhere on a boat. So it is always better to be prepared for such a situation. Otherwise, it spoils the mood and overall impression. I haven’t got diabetes, so I can’t name the exact preparations; I’m afraid they may contain some sugar. However, I usually order anti seizure medication over the counter here and other necessary medications as well. There’s a big choice, categories, and reasonable prices. However, you should order now to have it till your vacation. You can also order the delivery right to your house, which is very convenient for me
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