Travel Insurance

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
I know this has been covered before but we have been trying to get cover for my husband (age 78 - which is always a problem) and myself. We both have Diabetes and so take tablets for high blood pressure and high cholesterol (can never spell that correctly !) only because our Dr puts us on those pills as a precaution but, of course, as soon as you say that on most travel insurance forms it's counted against you as they think you must actually have those conditions too.

We have found a wonderfully easy and clear online company recommended in the Telegraph travel section last week (so it should be reliable insofaras anything can be these days). It's worth a try as it came out on a single trip cover with a very reasonable premium.

Freedom Insure (01223-454290 or
Thanks for that Faith, as you say, it often crops up so it's good to find a company with reasonable rates! 🙂 I'll leave this post here for a little while, then move to the Links section so it doesn't get lost in the hubbub! 🙂
Thanks Alan - I felt it just might help someone else - rather than paying through the nose for something we can't help - especially as it seems we're all going to be feeling the pinch for the next little while 🙂
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