Travel Insurance

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

Anyone here who get travel insurance for single trips, do you go for standard providers and declare your T1 Diabetes?
Or do you not take chances and take specilaist cover from Clear4u which are double the price?

I got a quote for £41 from Axa based insurance after I included diabetes at £41 for single strip and that includes 20 million medical cover.
However Clear 4 u want £95!
As a frequent traveler, I use annual travel insurance.
I prefer to take out insurance that explicitly covers declared pre-existing conditions as diabetes complications are so varied. It is not just a simple case of forgetting or losing insulin. What if I injury myself due to a hypo? Or suddenly have a kidney problem which the insurance company could say is due to diabetes? Likewise a cardio issue or ...?
I use All clear for my annual insurance. I have just taken it out for the next 12 months to cover the World including USA and Mexico with minimum+but not zero) excess. It cost less than £200.
I did a comparison last year and found them reasonably priced and they have not gone up much so I did not shop around this time. There may be a cheaper option.
As a frequent traveler, I use annual travel insurance.
I prefer to take out insurance that explicitly covers declared pre-existing conditions as diabetes complications are so varied. It is not just a simple case of forgetting or losing insulin. What if I injury myself due to a hypo? Or suddenly have a kidney problem which the insurance company could say is due to diabetes? Likewise a cardio issue or ...?
I use All clear for my annual insurance. I have just taken it out for the next 12 months to cover the World including USA and Mexico with minimum+but not zero) excess. It cost less than £200.
I did a comparison last year and found them reasonably priced and they have not gone up much so I did not shop around this time. There may be a cheaper option.
I dont travel often this is first trip in 4 years so only need single trip insurance
with the quotes I got it did ask if you have pre existing and asks you to list so I put T1 Diabetes and then it asks if you have had any diabetes related hospital trips in 2 years and then any diabetes related complications so I put down raised cholesterol. But I do not know what extra you get with All clear as the policy for the other ones state only conditions you state at tme of purchase are covered and thats it. nothing about any things they dont cover.
I'm reversed type 2.
I declare myself type 2 and pay any premium, (although this renewal had none).
So many issues can have a paper trail, and even if I fall over on the beach, I don't want any arguments later.
For heavens sake make sure you declare every medical condition you have as the Insurance Companies are experts at finding loopholes not to pay out.

It pays to shop around as some of the compamies charge horrendous prices.
Diabetes UK have an arrangement with AllClear which might be worth a shot while you are getting quotes?

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