Travel Insurance Prejudice

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello everybody. I have a problem with travel insurance: :confused:

I am:
obese obese 56 years old, type 1, taking insulin (lots) + Metformin (lots), High Blood Pressure (lots of pills), High Cholesterol (pills), depression (pills), hyper-acidity (pills), A pill to prevent kidney failure, Opiates for pain [damaged Back 1965] and I have a history of Heart Disease.
I have an annual european travel insurance policy with SAGA just renewed for under ?60.😎

My Partner is:
62 this month (but both parents still going strong at 92 & 94) type 2, taking 2 metformin a day (newly diagnosed and hopefully termporary), High Blood Pressure (lots of pills),depression (pills), hyper-acidity (pills), High Cholesterol (pills). She is much healthier and fitter than I am. She queried her annual SAGA travel insurance renewal which had gone up from ?65 to ?105 and in the interim it lapsed. 😡
Saga will NOT allow her to have an annual travel insurance any more and will only offer ?47 per trip cover only.

This is due to the fact that she has been diagnosed as diabetic - even tho she has been diagnosed due to 'wobbly hba1c' and has Metformin mainly as a preventative.

DVLA don't care due to lots of pressure from Diabetics and have seen no problems except for uncontrolled foreigner diabetics causing road troubles.

Why should the insurers care?? Particularly since the total cost to them would be the flight back if something happened to ME - and they cover that!!

Anybody got any ideas or even a good insurance company??

Thanks for reading my grouse.

Try these....

I was considering making a similar post myself! have just had the same problem, having been declined insurance because I was taking anti-depressants, and have had a search on the internet.

In the past I have used medicover(.com I think) as they offer a very good service although it wasn't cheap. I have also found, who seem to act as a reseller and offer you a list of recommended insurers. I've not had a chance to get another quote yet, but they look promising.

Good luck and let us know how you get on, I will do the same.
Eve life assurance firms and other general insurance wont always cover pre existing medical conditions.An agent told me it costs too much if thry have to pay out too soon, so wont take the risk.
Eve life assurance firms and other general insurance wont always cover pre existing medical conditions.An agent told me it costs too much if thry have to pay out too soon, so wont take the risk.

Ironically, I think I have probably extended my life by being diagnosed. I eat healthily, am monitored or am on a variety of preventative medications, and I no longer drink alcohol like it's going out of fashion. If I hadn't become ill and hospitalised with DKA I would have carried on destroying my liver and coating my arteries with goodness knows what. I should get a reduction in premium for being low risk! In fact, my cardiologist said that, after numerous ECGs, echocardiograms and an angiogram I know that I'm at low risk as far as my cardio-vascular system is concerned - how many 50-year old Joe Publics can claim that?
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