travel/holidays abroad

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hey all,

i am wanting to go on holiday this yr with a few mates and it will be my first time on an aeroplane with diabetes, (well it will be my first time ever on a plane) lol and it will be my first time abroad with diabetes.

has anyone got any tips on how i can maintain my normal sugar levels wen im there and to ensure im safe with my diabetes too?

thanks x
Well I know that when I go abroad, I have to reduce my background insulin, because the hot weather seems to make my blood sugars go low, and I have hypos. The main thing is to test blood sugars, store your insulin in a cool place, do not leave your testing machine in a place where it is in direct sunlight, always try and keep it either in a bag or in the shade. The most important thing of all though, is, RELAX AND ENJOY YOURSELF!!!!🙂
remembering that there is a time difference if you take long acting insulin... work it out before you go, if its only a hour out you might as well keep to the same time as the uk because it won't make much difference if bigger then adjust to suit... and definitely remember to have FUN
i agree with everything rubymurry said my sugars always go abit on holiday.the other thing i found helpful is to learn i am a diabetic in what ever langused i can do spainish and french but i have no idea how to spell and write it sorry!!
Could be wrong, and you'd need to check it out before, but I THINK you need a letter or some kind of doccumentation from your doctor or specialist to say you need to carry certin items (like your gluco meter if you test regular and insulin kit). Not sure if you need to inform travel firm or air line also.

A lot of people take out travel insurance so this needs to be checked out too, some firms wont cover for pre exisiting conditions, so check out the ones advertised in places like Balance Magazine.
Holidays are great. Hot weather can make your sugar go low as can increased exercise from swimming, visiting sights etc. But then lazing by the pool all day might mean that you need more insulin because you are not doing as much. The most important thing is to make sure that you have fun and also make sure that at least one person who is with you knows what to do if you should have problems with low sugars. I'm fine abroad if I'm with someone who really understands the diabetes and understands the importance if I need to do something quickly with regard to a high/low sugar. However if people don't understand it can cause problems - such as the time I was in Beirut and kept trying to insist that I needed to get Lucozade quickly but the people I was working with didn't understand the importance. You also need to check the current flight restrictions with regard to how much insulin and other liquid medication that you can take on the plane.
All of the above (especially relaxing and having fun!)
You will need a letter from your GP or DSn stating you are diabetic and need to carry needles, insulin, hypo treatment metes etc on the plane. I always tell customs that I have needles etc and have my letter at the ready but have never had any problems.

Do NOT put any of your equiptment in your suitcase-the temperature in the hold will damage insulin, test stips and meters-plus you may get to your detination to find your luggage has gone somewhere else! If theres a problem with how much you have to carry could you split it up between your and your friends hand luggage?

Finally-and cannot stress this enough- get travel insurance that covers your diabetes and read very carefully what the policy does and does not cover before deciding its right for you. Shop around to get quotes but its honestly worth paying a bit more to know that if you are covered (think have payed in region of ?30-50 for a week before but balance that up against the cost of medical treatment for a bad hypo or DKA caused by travellers tummy can cost hundreds if not thousands......)

Sorry to be a bit of a downer but better safe than sorry! Hope you have a brilliant holiday.
if you are going somewhere hot then you might want to get a frio pack it will keep your insulin cool/room temperature in the heat so it won't go bad.

take plenty more supplies than you think you will need.

get the letter from your DSN because your GP might charge for the letter, your nurse won't.

if you are drinking then just take the usual alcohol precautiosn and remember measures are generally bigger abroad in my experience.
Have fun!

I have rung all over for travel insurance as I travel abroad a lot and the best one for me is always mediquote care 0870 890 2991.
If you are aT1:
Friopacks are a godesend for keeping insulin cool - (refrigeration not needed - just cold water) and I used them when I travelled around the world for a year.
Last thing - make sure you take some glucogel or lots of glucose tablets as often finding sugar quickly cabroad an be a bit painful if you go hypo!

Explain to someone that you are travelling wih what to do if you go hypo (for instance to rub glucogel into your cheek in your mouth).

I also had to people know that f ever I appeared drunk (sluggish and slurring words) - but hadn't seemed to drink a lot of alcohol -it was because my blood sugar was low and not because I am drunk!
Hope this doesn't freak you out - I have travelled extensively and never had any problems at all - (following the adcice above!!😉 LOL!!)

Couple of tips, maybe you already know.
When flying, pack your insulin in your hand baggage - in your suitcase it could freeze at altitude, and then be useless.
Do get a letter from your DBN explaining why you need to carry sharps in your hand baggage. If they are noticed on the x ray its easier and quicker than having to explain/discuss with customs.
For travel insurance try Essential Travel Ltd 0845 296 2625. You have to disclose your diabetic and answer a few questions re recent treatment etc. I have an annual family policy for unlimited Europe travel for ?61, which I think is a great price.
Just take care and enjoy!
thanks alot for all ur advice everyone.

i appreciate it alot and will take it into consideration :D

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