Transplantation Issues: Kidney Donors and Children in Need of Transplants

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Three studies presented during the American Society of Nephrology's Annual Kidney Week provide new information related to kidney transplantation -- specifically, the post-transplant health of kidney donors and the racial disparities faced by children in need of transplants.

Recent studies suggest that hypertension and diabetes are more prevalent in black versus white donors, but no comparisons have been made to healthy non-donors, so the risk attributable to donation remains unknown. To investigate, Dorry Segev, MD (Johns Hopkins) and his colleagues surveyed more than 1,000 donors and more than 1,000 matched non-donors. Nineteen percent (26% black, 18% non-black) of donors developed hypertenstion. Compared with healthy non-black individuals who were not donors, non-black donors had a 44% increased risk of post-donation hypertension; however, black donors did not have an increased risk of hypertension compared with black non-donors.
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