Tramadol for diabetics not on insulin or other diabetic medication

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I have been prescribed Tramadol for a recurring condition, I was prescribed it before I was diagnosed with diabetes, I am in pain and was going to take one, but checked online and it says in one study that all diabetics had some form of hypoglycaemia on tramadol, 1100 of them hospitalised and 110 fatal, Now I have taken it safely before with no ill effect, and was probably diabetic then too but not diagnosed. I guess my question is, whether they assume in these studies that the diabetics are on insulin or other BG lowering medication, hence the result. I always had high BG and not low and am now in normal ranges on my monitor, but worried about taking it, I have left a message for my surgery to call and discuss and appreciate no one can give medical advice but would be interested to know if anyone has taken this pain killer and been OK.
Morning @Jenny65 I have no answer to your question but wanted to send you a hug as its't pleasant living with pain, I think as you've said your best course of action is to speak to your GP.
just thought have you had a recent HbA1c done? think you mentioned in another post that it was due in December, if you have and it is lower than diabetic levels would it change your ability to take tramadol, might be worth mentioning to GP?
Anyway whatever you decide after speaking to your GP, take care and hope you get the answers you need 🙂
Morning @Jenny65 I have no answer to your question but wanted to send you a hug as its't pleasant living with pain, I think as you've said your best course of action is to speak to your GP.
just thought have you had a recent HbA1c done? think you mentioned in another post that it was due in December, if you have and it is lower than diabetic levels would it change your ability to take tramadol, might be worth mentioning to GP?
Anyway whatever you decide after speaking to your GP, take care and hope you get the answers you need 🙂
Hi @Wannie thank you for the hug, much appreciated and needed x

I had to cancel my last blood test as had Covid, My next test is on 3rd Feb but as I have checked my levels on my monitor they look very good so hopefully will be reflected in my HbA1c result too. I have continued to lose weight and am now a comfortable size 10 (was a size 24 in June/July) and I dont feel diabetic anymore, if that makes sense, no more tiredness day time naps, no itchy skin, very active and eat healthy food, drink water and havent smoked for 7 months, so feel on top of everything in regard to diabetes. I may of course be proved wrong but I hope not.

The last time I saw the DN I was over 12 stone and am now 9 stone 4 so hopefully she will be pleased with me, I am comfortable eating like this forever, and have 3 unopened chocolate boxes from Christmas which would never have happened in the past. I can eat small amounts of carbs, have the odd slice of wholemeal toast with peanut butter, also still have porridge for breakfast but seem to be able to tolerate them well.

The only time I feel woozy and odd, almost like I will pass out is after a hot bath, used to be fine but recently I have to make sure I grab the basin as I get out to stop myself fainting, I think the water is too hot to be honest but I love wallowing!

I guess my concern is also as I am eating less and less glucose raising foods will this in turn make it more likely for me to have a hypo if I take one of these tablets.
Jenny don't trust all studies. I have been on insulin for over 50 years and had two bouts of being on Tramadol - wow the Tramadol did make me feel very yucky but they had no affect on my diabetes or hypo levels at all.
Jenny don't trust all studies. I have been on insulin for over 50 years and had two bouts of being on Tramadol - wow the Tramadol did make me feel very yucky but they had no affect on my diabetes or hypo levels at all.
Thanks @AJLang I dont tent to get side effects except a bit of over talkative euphoria feeling, when taken in the past and I suspect I had diabetes then but hadnt been diagnosed, I think you are right but was worried when I saw online all the comments, its interesting as its a med prescribed for some neuropathy in diabetic's too which seems conflicting.
Thanks @AJLang I dont tent to get side effects except a bit of over talkative euphoria feeling, when taken in the past and I suspect I had diabetes then but hadnt been diagnosed, I think you are right but was worried when I saw online all the comments, its interesting as its a med prescribed for some neuropathy in diabetic's too which seems conflicting.

Was there a distinction between type 1 and type 2 diabetics, or insulin use in the results of the studies?
Hi @Wannie thank you for the hug, much appreciated and needed x

I had to cancel my last blood test as had Covid, My next test is on 3rd Feb but as I have checked my levels on my monitor they look very good so hopefully will be reflected in my HbA1c result too. I have continued to lose weight and am now a comfortable size 10 (was a size 24 in June/July) and I dont feel diabetic anymore, if that makes sense, no more tiredness day time naps, no itchy skin, very active and eat healthy food, drink water and havent smoked for 7 months, so feel on top of everything in regard to diabetes. I may of course be proved wrong but I hope not.

The last time I saw the DN I was over 12 stone and am now 9 stone 4 so hopefully she will be pleased with me, I am comfortable eating like this forever, and have 3 unopened chocolate boxes from Christmas which would never have happened in the past. I can eat small amounts of carbs, have the odd slice of wholemeal toast with peanut butter, also still have porridge for breakfast but seem to be able to tolerate them well.

The only time I feel woozy and odd, almost like I will pass out is after a hot bath, used to be fine but recently I have to make sure I grab the basin as I get out to stop myself fainting, I think the water is too hot to be honest but I love wallowing!

I guess my concern is also as I am eating less and less glucose raising foods will this in turn make it more likely for me to have a hypo if I take one of these tablets.
you've done brilliantly!!! great results with the weight loss, hopefully results will show in Hba1c. Cool the baths down 😉 you don't want to be fainting. Take care and hope you get a response from your GP soon x
@Jenny65 , why not give the pharmacist a call. He'll most likely be able to give you some guidance.

Vis-a-vis Tramadol, I have seen a number of people posting they take it. I feel sure if any of them had been hospitalised by it, they'd have been talking about it or taken off it.

Whilst it is good to do research, when it comes to concerning reports as you mention, you need to really know what is any treatment those people were on for their diabetes, if they had anything else that might have got in the mix, and extremely importantly, how many subjects were in the study
I’ve taken Tramodol a few times since being diabetic, and on insulin. Frozen shoulder, injured pelvis etc. it does make me feel rubbish ( nauseous) but it did when I wasn’t diabetic.
Hypos aren’t the end of the world, you’re unlikely to have a dangerous one since you’re not on insulin, and if you do have one you could have a snack to fix it?
Thanks @AJLang I dont tent to get side effects except a bit of over talkative euphoria feeling, when taken in the past and I suspect I had diabetes then but hadnt been diagnosed, I think you are right but was worried when I saw online all the comments, its interesting as its a med prescribed for some neuropathy in diabetic's too which seems conflicting.

Hope you find it helps, and don't suffer any ill effects @Jenny65
Wondering if a pharmacist may also be able to advise, they are very good re drug interactions and may be more available
Hi , Every time I am prescribed a new medication I ask a pharmacist re any possible interaction with any other medication I am taking.
i have heard of some pain killers slightly raising blood sugars , they told me this last year when i was in hospital with pancreatitis , i wqas given morphine and the co codamol , it can raise by BS but not too much, i think when you are in pain your blood sugar will rise a bit especially if you get anxious like me , asking a pharmacist would be a good idea , best of luck
Hi , I am prescribed different pain killers to you and mine and are codine based.

I never take the medication for more than two days.
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