Train travel with hearing aids


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I keep mentioning this to people and I am surprised that people with hearing aids are not told about this.
So I thought I would mention it on here just in case…

If you have someone in your house who wears prescription hearing aids, they qualify for a disabled rail card, which gives a third off train travel for ‘them and their carer’. We have made good use of this over the years. Although we are both entitled to the OAP rail card, with this we only need to purchase one card, so long as we are travelling together. The rail card can also be linked to an Oyster card and get reductions on travel in London too (doesn’t work using credit card as far as I know but haven’t checked as we are old school).
What classes as prescription hearing aids? I have hearing aids but they are not NHS !
If you have been prescribed hearing aids it counts. That is all I know.
You need to apply in person at a station ticket office £20 for 1 year
Bus passes are much better. As I have no bus services it costs me absolute zero, but has the advantage
that every five years I can use it as I.D. at the polling station.
We pay £thousands in taxes to employ people in plush offices to think up these schemes.
We pay £thousands in taxes to employ people in plush offices to think up these schemes.
"Plush offices"? Have you been to a council building recently?
There is no way you would describe my local one as "plush".

Sorry you have no bus service available to you. Many people do and find their bus passes really useful. Last time I caught a bus, I think I was the only person who had to pay because I was "too young".
Sadly, it is the few exceptions that make these benefits difficult to manage.