totally unexplained weird high

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Another question...

Last night, normal dinner: breaded chicken, new pots, carrots and peas. Only thing odd was sticky bun, not had since diagnosis (though cake and things, yes). Bolused for whole lot at once, so a good lead in on the bun.

Starting mmol(8.30pm): 8.8
Two hours after (10.30pm): 18.9 😱 Did full correction suggested by pump.
Two hours after (12.30am): 14.2 (not great, but from this we knew some insulin was going in!) Gave under correction from pump suggestion, 2/3rds of dose. This was because sensitive to insulin in night, and big correction before.
One hour after(1.30am): 14.3 (what? Did full correction.)
One hour after that (2.30am): 11.2 (okay, coming down, finally)

E woke at 5.30am feeling very low, but after two tests was convinced he wasn't: was only 5.5mmol ish (clearly caused by such a drop?) Did have one glucose cause felt so awful, went back to sleep. We tested him again at 8am, still 5.6mmol.

What a night! On my knees.

There is *no* explanation we can think of for this weird blip. No strange exercise or stress, no dietary thing except the sticky bun, which would be SO odd to do something so long and odd...

Does this just HAPPEN sometimes?! What are others' experiences please?
Every so often, something comes along to throw a spanner in the works for no apparent reason.

I find it best not to over-react to things like that. It's so easy to end up going from one extreme to the other trying to fix it.
i don't know about insulin, but just thought i'd tell you that i think that you are a great mum,,, as are all the mums on here. Have a nap if you can

Julie x
Can't advise you really cos don't know anything at all about pumping but just wanted to say well done....can't imagine what it's like for you. Odd numbers are a mystery sometimes and we all have those that we can't explain. You must be shattered!
Thanks all -- yes, shattered is the word. Fortunately friends for kids over today, so a bit laid back!

Glad to hear that sometimes stuff just happens. Like your advice Alan -- to try not to stress or react too strongly! Absolutely.

I do remember through some kind of haze that a similar ish thing happened a couple of months ago: funny night high, and we thought he was brewing something, but no...

Might be just growth hormones doing a weird blip.

Thanks guys. Is fine this morning, quite cheerful, and grateful for us getting up. Squeezed my hand in sympathy, bless.
I think it calls for another sticky bun another night to see if thats the culprit. Next time you might find the same thing happens. If not, then it's just one of those things diabetes likes to throw at us. Doesn't always behave as it should.
He'll be so glad to hear that, Sofaraway! We have four remaining, and also I almost threw them away today, wondering if they were the cause of the misery!!

But you're right. We kind of need to know. I don't know why they'd be different from say a slice of cake, but maybe they are?
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