Total Pancreatectomy & pump

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Relationship to Diabetes
Hi everyone
My daughter is a 3c diabetic as she had a TP in 2018. She got a metronome pump last year and has noticed a dent in her tummy in the last few months. Has anyone had this occurrence? Thanks
Hi @Dunagree
I have not heard of a metronome pump - do you mean Medtronic or Medtrum? (Autocorrect can be a pain at times.)
I have been using a Medtrum patch pump (Medtronic is a tubey pump) for two and a half years and not noticed any dents.
I move my pump around to reduce any scar tissue build up so would not expect any one area to be affected.

Sorry to read about your daughter's issues. If she is concerned, I recommend she talks to her diabetes team.
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Does she always insert her pump cannula in her tum, and is the dent where she usually puts the cannula? If so - it's what I had on both my outer thighs having injected my basal insulin there for a few decades - I destroyed the layer of fat and adipose tissue, it's called lipohypertrophy. That area will not now absorb insulin properly and it will probably hurt too much to have a cannula there or inject there with a pen. She needs to show this to her diabetes team and get personal advice - but anyway, to strictly rotate her cannula sites avoiding the dent.
Thanks folks
It a Medtronic pump and sorry hadn’t noticed autocorrect. Thanks so much for replying. As a surgical diabetic (3c) she seems to fall between the standard care… Would be great to hear from anyone who coping with a pump and taking Creon- thanks again
Hi @Dungaree. Sorry to hear of the difficulties your Diaghilev is having.

I am using a Medtronic pump, and I haven’t noticed a dent but I suspect that I have a bigger choice of sites to put my cannula in than your little 3 year old. I make sure that I move my cannula around and try to be systematics with this, working in three lines across.

if your daughter is not yet in the care of the paediatric diabetes team I would ask for a referral. They will be specialists with pumps and also at managing these along with other conditions.

let us know how you get on.
Hi @Dungaree. Sorry to hear of the difficulties your Diaghilev is having.

I am using a Medtronic pump, and I haven’t noticed a dent but I suspect that I have a bigger choice of sites to put my cannula in than your little 3 year old. I make sure that I move my cannula around and try to be systematics with this, working in three lines across.

if your daughter is not yet in the care of the paediatric diabetes team I would ask for a referral. They will be specialists with pumps and also at managing these along with other conditions.

let us know how you get on.
I think you have misread 3c in the OP's post as 3 years old!
Thanks folks
It a Medtronic pump and sorry hadn’t noticed autocorrect. Thanks so much for replying. As a surgical diabetic (3c) she seems to fall between the standard care… Would be great to hear from anyone who coping with a pump and taking Creon- thanks again
Hello, I have a moronic 640 pump and use Creon. I have a cyst on my pancreas hence the need for the enzymes. I had been pumping for many years before the creon was needed though.
I think you have misread 3c in the OP's post as 3 years old!
Oops. I picked up the 3c but also read it as 3 years old too. Thank you.
I may still have a lot more space for cannulas than their daughter!!!
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