Tooth Abscess

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just need a moan as I now have an abscess under one of my big double teeth. Had the tooth filled 6 months ago and went back 4 months ago in pain. Dopey dentist said I was grinding my teeth but the pain continued so got antibiotics from docs as possiblility it was sinus pain. Cleared up nicely and forgot about it. Started again on Wed and by Friday was nasty, no dentists working at my practice cos of weather so had to go to a different practice. They were really nice and took xrays which showed abscess so now on antibiotics. Makes me mad though cos if the dentist had bothered to xray it I wouldn't be having probs again now. I'm going to ask him to take the tooth out after the infection has cleared up. Be gone oh evil tooth! I'm scared of the dentist too :(
Flutterby - you have my sympathy, that sounds nasty. I am pathetic with dentists. I can end up almost in tears when I just go for a check up - it is ridiculous.

I hope you get it all sorted and over and done with soon
Awww flutter i can symphasise totally, 4-5 weeks ago i had a lose tooth and it would not budge it started to have a small lump on it and was causing me substancial amount of pain.I phoned around a dentist practice to see the kinda prices and i found out it would cost me ?95 i was horrified but found somewhere else that did it for ?50 so took that option, I must admit pain in the mouth or tooth is one of the worst as we use it for so much,I hope it clears sooner rather then later for you , dam stupid dentist !!
Yeah I hate going, get all upset if I need treatment and worry for days before an appt. If I had my way, I'd get them all taken out and have false ones!! At least if they hurt you can stick them in a glass and forget them!! Pain isn't so bad now but I've got to ring and make appt and even that seems scarey. The prices are horrendous unless you can get on NHS and even then it's pretty hefty. I paid ?40 for the filling ?16 for Xrays and now I will have to pay to get it taken out. Think what I could have bought with that money - I hate dentists.
Flutterby, I totally sympathise! I had terrible treatment as a child and that has given me a lifelong fear of dentists. My current dentist is one of the nicest men you could ever wish to meet, and I wish I'd had someone like him all those years ago. Even so, I'm still scared of even a check up. Had one a couple of weeks ago though and thankflly no problems.

I had an abcess years ago and had the tooth root-filled (root canal). Over the years that tooth kept breaking bits off and getting filled, then about 10 years after the root canal the abcess came back! Seems there was a dormant infection and it got revived with the onset of my diabetes (about two years before I was diagnosed). I had to have it removed. That tooth cost me a fortune over the years!

Hope all goes well for you.
Yeah I hate going, get all upset if I need treatment and worry for days before an appt. If I had my way, I'd get them all taken out and have false ones!! At least if they hurt you can stick them in a glass and forget them!! Pain isn't so bad now but I've got to ring and make appt and even that seems scarey. The prices are horrendous unless you can get on NHS and even then it's pretty hefty. I paid ?40 for the filling ?16 for Xrays and now I will have to pay to get it taken out. Think what I could have bought with that money - I hate dentists.

Yup its scandelous they know its something that needs doing though and most people in there life time will have one or more taken out i.e extraction and the likes .I was no way going to pay nearly ?100 especially when it was neat xmas lol
Aww thanks folks, I'm not alone in my fears then. Most dentists are much better at dealing with frightened patients now than years ago but once the fear is there it's hard to get rid of. My dr prescribes diazepam for me to take prior to dentist appt as otherwise there's no way I could eat my breakfast before I go, I try to always get an early appt as well so that I'm not thinking about it all day. Just a few little tips that might help someone else. I will ring this afternoon and sort out an appt for the extraction but I'm betting he will want to see me to discuss "options" beforehand. I'm not going down the root canal line, so many people seem to have probs afterward and I don't want the hassle of high blood sugars because of infections every few months. Everything is a fight isn't it - why can't life be easy?
What always amazes me are these people you see on shows like 10 years younger, where they have absolutely appalling rotting teeth - and I get the tiniest bit wrong and it's pain-dentist-filling! I'm not doing badly though, only one tooth lost so far, although some are only just held together! What I used to fear most was the injection in the gum because that really used to hurt me. My current dentist doesn't hurt at all so I asked him how he managed it - he said he uses child-sized needles which are much smaller and finer, you might need more than one but they won't hurt.
That's interesting to know Northerner, I will bear that in mind. I'm not normally too bad with the injections but as the gum is pretty tender right now I will see how it goes, could always ask him. I've just rung the practice and played the "it's upsetting my diabetes" trump card so they can see me on Monday morning. I finish the antibiotics on Friday so that should work out ok.

And yes, how do those people manage to let their teeth get so bad? I only have to look at mine and they hurt, and if they hear the dentist word they go into panic mode. My husband knew someone who had really rotten teeth and in the end he got some of his toughest mates together, instructed them to take him to the dentist and not let him leave until the work was done! The dentist removed 4 teeth!

Think of me Monday folks!
Completely sympathise, I have one under my wisdom tooth at the moment, no dentist and can I heck as like find one taking NHS patients, nearest emergency dentist is too far away in this weather so I'm riding it out with pain relief and hoping it clears up on it's own. :(

Bloody painful though! So hope you're better soon xx
Lisa, that's awful - at least I know I'm getting mine sorted. Really hope you can control the pain and that it clears up. Would your dr help by prescribing antibiotics until you can get to the emergency dentist? Maybe worth a try. All the best.xx
Sadly not - as soon as GPs even think it's roughly tooth related, they tell you to see the dentist. 🙄

It's improving slowly, without being too gross, I think it's open now *gags*.
I hope all the dental problems are sorted.Each time I have had an abcess, I've lost the tooth after a course of antibiotics.

For anyone having dentist problems I'd suggest changing dentists. If anyone needs an emergency dentist try NHS direct who will advise you. Some hospitals have dentists in A&E for emergencies.
Lisa - I know what you mean, I have been sent from doctor to dentist and back again on occasions! Just thought it was worth a thought, how's your pain today?
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