Too tired to get up...

Studious Pip

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Very recently diagnosed as Type 2, but quite a history of total lethargy in a morning. Is it linked to diabetes? Is there a snack I should keep by my bed to perk me up? Or something I should eat before bed to make sure I'm firing on all cylinders when I wake?

Or am I just a night owl? I mean I've never met a hotel breakfast buffet that I wouldn't prefer to sleep through. So, is it just me?
Bah! Sorry! Wrong forum for this question! I'm just supposed to introduce myself here!

Hi, I'm C. Recent blood test put me as diabetic. Trying to diet like mad to bring it down, but it's hard when you work full time and live alone... The Just Eat delivery folk are my most regular friends

But I'll get there. Currently 51.
Feeling tired is a common symptom of high blood glucose. It would help if you could share some information about your diagnosis. I'm assuming the 51 is your HbA1c? Have you been prescribed medication?
Bah! Sorry! Wrong forum for this question! I'm just supposed to introduce myself here!

Hi, I'm C. Recent blood test put me as diabetic. Trying to diet like mad to bring it down, but it's hard when you work full time and live alone... The Just Eat delivery folk are my most regular friends

But I'll get there. Currently 51.
Welcome to the forum. 51mmol/mol is not particularly high as it is only just over the diagnostic threshold of 47 and it would be unlikely to be causing the extreme tiredness at that level so there may be another cause. Anaemia, vitamin deficiency would both cause tiredness and if you are reliant on take away food they may be lacking in nutrients and certainly won't be doing your blood glucose level any favours.
Managing diabetes isn't a case of 'dieting' but finding a sustainable enjoyable way of eating rather than a quick fix as that leads to people ending up worse than before because their 'diet' is not sustainable.
Many find a low carb approach successful basing meals on meat, fish, eggs, cheese, dairy with fresh vegetables, salads and fruit like berries.
Have a look at this link for some ideas for modifying your diet.
Welcome to the forum @Studious Pip

While it is true that there do seem to be ‘night owls’ and ‘larks’, persistent and intense levels of fatigue can be an indication that something’s not quite right.

Perhaps something as simple as a vitamin deficiency (eg Vit B12) or some other imbalance like thyroid - or perhaps even something more complex that may need a bit more looking after?

How are your energy levels later in the day?

Have you ever discussed your fatigue with your GP or nurse?

Does it have a negative impact on your quality of life and your ability to function day-to-day?
Thanks for the replies. 51 is my blood sugar reading. I am aged 50. The daytime fatigue and difficulty getting up isn't new, it's just getting worse. Possibly thyroid, I'll ask my GP. Also possibly menopause.

But, thinking about it, I suspect I'm just a night owl trying to fit in a world that's not made for me! As a child I'd regularly wake between 1 and 3am and sneak downstairs for snacks to eat while reading. My Enid Blyton books were filled with sweet wrappers (and even cheese triangle wrappers!) hidden between the pages to mask my nocturnal activity. Even as a child I knew that being most alert at night wasn't 'normal'.

As for adulthood, I can be knackered all day but when it gets to 10pm I perk up! Put a wash on, bung a casserole in the slow cooker, bake some scones... Then struggle to drag myself out of bed at 7am.

I think I'm just a true night owl. I'd have been integral to the community in the days when someone had to watch the fire and guard the camp. Not so much in the 21st century! Now it's just a moral failure
It's not a moral failure to have an alternative sleep pattern! My son struggles, and always has, with his night owl tendencies. When he was still at school he used to do his best homework after the witching hour and it was always difficult to get him out of bed in the morning. After graduating he took a night job which seemed to suit to start with, but he had trouble sleeping through the day and now works 9-6 but still has trouble sleeping. His dad is the same. I think some people just really are owls or larks. I fall well into the latter category!