too much insulin


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi All,
I'm a new member so don't know if this is the right thread. I care for my Mum who is diabetic following a pancreatectomy. Not paying attention this morning I gave her two basal doses by accident - does anyone have any advice? Feeling very anxious.
Hi and welcome.

If it is any consolation, we have all made similar mistakes. She is going to be in for a day or more of eating some high carb treats I think. Hopefully she can manage to do that.
Firstly can you tell us which basal insulin she takes and how much she normally needs. Have you also injected her meal time insulin for breakfast or just the basal so far?
Hi All,
I'm a new member so don't know if this is the right thread. I care for my Mum who is diabetic following a pancreatectomy. Not paying attention this morning I gave her two basal doses by accident - does anyone have any advice? Feeling very anxious.

I’d speak to her GP @Lala69 They’ll be able to give specific advice, taking into account her dementia. If she’s also on fast insulin at meal times, then this might have to be omitted. If she’s very elderly, they might want to monitor her a bit more closely.
As @rebrascora said this is something that many of us have done.

Another vote for speak to her GP. I know that eating can be more difficult in some cases of dimentia, but she has more insulin in her than is needed so she will need to match that with carbs. As the extra is slow release she will need some glucose through the day. Does she wear a sensor? This will give you a picture of what is happening to her levels. Keep a close eye on levels and Eid she can she can enjoy some treats through the day.