Too much exercise?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
I lost 3 stone last year before and after being diagnosed and have now put it it all back on but am stuggling to keep my weight down.
I am on 3 Novarapid plus Lantus in the evening.
I walked 3 dogs on the beach yesterday, it was really cold.
I only needed 1 unit all day. Had 2 Weetabix for breakfast + glass of orange and home made soup (loads of veg, ham shank and lentils) for lunch.
On gym days my readings are low, just manage to avoid hypos.
I don't want to increase my carb intake but wonder if it is ok to miss an injection at lunch time if I maintain good readings. Not on a low carb diet but keep bread, pots etc to a minimum. Am I doing the right thing. Lat Hb1aC (have I got that right!) 6.8
Thanks for all your interesting messages read during my sleepless nights!
Hi Joan, Sorry you can't sleep - I have that problem too! Have you discussed this with your DSN or doctor? I would say that, if your levels are good and you would only inject a tiny amount anyway, then there should be little problem with missing the injection and then testing to make sure that you are not rising too much. I know several of our members have had occasion to miss injections when they have known it would simply send them low.

As always with diabetes - and especially in the unusual circumstances of being a 1.5 - it is trial and error. You just need to keep monitoring when you try something different to make sure that things haven't suddenly gone haywire! If you are going low-ish outside of mealtimes, perhaps you should consider lowering your lantus? If you do this then you may still need your novrapid with meals, but this might avoid those other lows. 🙂 Let us know how things go!
Thanks for advice. Am lowering Lantus as I am getting readings of 3.7 in the morning which I find a bit scary as I live alone.
Thanks for advice. Am lowering Lantus as I am getting readings of 3.7 in the morning which I find a bit scary as I live alone.

That certainly seems like a good plan. I was similar to you a while ago, waking in the upper 3s, but I managed to get my lantus dose just right so I now wake in the 5s (although I was 4.5 this morning - might have to start lowering it again!). How much lantus are you on? I had to get a 1-unit pen so I wasn't lowering it too much at a time, went from 20 units to 7 eventually!

I live alone too, so understand your concerns, you have to be extra careful - hope the new dose does the business! 🙂
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