Too cold for meter

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I accidentally left my kit in the car this afternoon. Went to do my pre bed test and after inserting strip there was an error message that the meter was outside the specified temp range. (Ultra 2.)

With a cold period ahead don't fall into the same trap.
A timely warning, thanks John🙂 Given the way my fingers are icing up in this weather though, I won't be able to get any blood out to test!🙂
Lol John, the last time we had a cold snap my bottle of lucozade froze in the car.
Had the same thing happen to me yesterday, was playing a football match. went to do my half time test and it was too cold came with an error message. didn't get to test again until 20 minutes after the game.
If your meter says it's too cold to record, then do what you'd do with cold hands - put it in your groin or armpit for a few minutes! It'll be ready in much less than 20 mins. Or keep it in an inner pocket eg shirt breast pocket. Some climbers etc have made small fleece pouches with neck straps to keep inside their clothing. And always keep a spare battery ready (a single lithium battery is tiny - much smaller than a pair of AA or AAA batteries as in a bike light, for example) Obviously, pockets are no good for contact sports like football, but you could keep in a bag next to a steel flask with a hot drink, that would keep it warm - and give you something warm to drink.
Good tip! I wouldnt have even thought about it! thanks. Bev
My third meter lives in my back pack, which lives indoors when I am not going to and from work, so hopefully it wont get too cold, but thanks for reminder.🙄
I had years of experience in keeping my skinny body warm on British mountains, camping, climbing, skiing, fieldwork in Arctic regions etc, long before getting diabetes, so it wasn't too difficult to work out how to keep things warm. You don't forget having to break a frozen Mars bar into chips before you can eat it! Also, I picked up more tips from MAD - Mountains for Active Diabetics - see

If your digital camera batteries or mobile phone battery are suffering, then your meter will suffer, too.
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