I was recently (3 days ago) diagnosed with type 2 and my initial meeting with my GP was terrifying. Even though my cholesterol has not even been measured i have been told to take Atorvastatin 20mg.
I have heard lots of scare stories about this and am reluctant to take them. I have just started with Metformin but really not sure about the best way to proceed.
Has anyone else been in this situation?
Hi chruss
My doctor wanted me to take them too. even though my cholesterol levels ok, although bad cholesterol was a little higher than the good cholesterol. The doctor explained to me the reason is because of other health issues and diabetes patients are at an increased risk of heart failure, its what's written in their guide book, to take action to protect against such a possibility is the understanding I came too.
Knowing that information and my cholesterol levels
(I always keep records for comparison) which are monitored each time with HbA1c test or 6 monthly;* for myself I decided not to do the statins but still I am keeping an eye on things myself. You can apply to your surgery to have access to your test results on-line, that is the way I do it now.
*I think once stable the surgery may only carry out these tests annually.
Personally I would ask the doctor to have your cholesterol checked (just say you want to know this before taking the statin) from that result you can appreciate better what the situation is, the risk for and against. With some people statin can prevent a life threatening situation but each patient has to be assessed individually, for some statin may not be necessary, but when its down to our own individual choice we do need to understand the risk is ours if we go against the advice of a medical professional. The medical professional is only doing their job by advising you of the risk and the reasons.
There is a list of test that should be carried out annually (at the very least) for diabetes, I can't lay my hands on it at the moment, but the helpline will know and also if you attend either the Desmond course (referral by nurse or GP) or the
Xpert course (self referral) you will be more fully aware of these things.
When I have time later I will look up the complete list although you may be able to find that in the mean time. (off the top of my head, for me its full blood count, liver, kidneys, cholesterol, HbA1c, blood pressure, waist, height weight, foot examination, eye screening. some only annually) The frequency of tests are more dependent on how high the Blood glucose levels are, medications etc. (this just my own observations and from the educational and management courses I've attended regarding diabetes type 2.
The courses are helpful, they put you fully in the picture and in that way we can to a degree take control of things ourself, but we do need to have the routine blood tests done.
Best wishes