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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Hi all, well my big toe lost it's nail during the night ( found it in the bed) any particular things i should do to look after my toe now, i have a plaster on it at the moment as didn't want my shoes to rub. Thank you x
Hi all, well my big toe lost it's nail during the night ( found it in the bed) any particular things i should do to look after my toe now, i have a plaster on it at the moment as didn't want my shoes to rub. Thank you x
I just left mine alone and let it grow back, was painful the first few days but ok after that. If you see any signs of concern seek medical attention
I have something similar, a big toe nail hanging by a thread which I have been keeping a plaster on to stop me catching it.
It did seem to be infected so saw the GP and had antibiotics and a referral to a podiatrist, the wait has been 10 weeks, I see them in a couple of weeks, I suppose it may come off in the meantime.
Somebody I know said it happened to her and a new one had just grown underneath.
I was not sure what to do which is why I went to the GP.
I would suggest calling the GP. As in @Leadinglights case, there could be more to it - an infection, a fungal situation or many other things. Right now just make sure it's sterile, but I would encourage you to call your practice in the morning just to be safe.
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