Toe amputation

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I recently had my right little toe amputated.
I have been told by my podiatrist that I can now drive.
Do I need to report this to my car insurer and the DVLA.
I have read the section on the DVLA website regarding limb amputations.
I assume this does not apply to single toes but I'm seeking clarification.
Does anyone else have experience? Can anyone help? Many thanks in advance,
I don't know ! But if you think about it people have cars adapted with limb amputations etc. A friend of mine had a hand blown off & rides a Motorbike (star). Good luck & welcome 🙂.
Very sorry to hear that.

You're better to, at least, notify them. If they say everything's ok - good.

I told my insurer and the DVLA when I got another condition. They told me that as long as no doctor had told me not to drive (which they hadn't) they basically couldn't car less.
if the DVLA have assessed you fit to drive then the insurance companies wont be bothered, they are happy that all that work has been done for them.....😉

So yes, the DVLA should be notified, but that's all.....
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