Today's Weight Loss

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was pleased on my weigh in today to have lost just over 2 stone since the beginning of June🙂 Still have a way to go but hoping that when I get my hba1c at the end of the month it's reduced. I just wondered if cutting carbs means a bigger weight loss generally? Usually my weight loss is much slower and I'm lucky to lose a pound a week. I can't exercise much due to knee arthritis so it really is mainly cutting foods. The only thing I'm doing different this time is cutting carbs to under 100 a day (so not massive). I have between 1200 and 1500 calories a day. Don't get me wrong I'm delighted to have lost the weight and long may it continue! I'm just wondering what's so different this time! Last time I lost weight I had 3 weeks in a row without any loss at all even though I was sticking to the diet and I'd often get the odd week without loss. That hasn't happened this time and I've lost every week. You'd think I'd just enjoy the weight loss wouldn't you but having had cancer and constantly being asked by the nurses to let them know if I lost any weight, it's playing on my mind. Silly I know as I'm trying to lose it!!
Hi. Good to hear about the weight loss. Had you reduced the Carbs previously or just this time down to 100gm/day?
I was pleased on my weigh in today to have lost just over 2 stone since the beginning of June🙂 Still have a way to go but hoping that when I get my hba1c at the end of the month it's reduced. I just wondered if cutting carbs means a bigger weight loss generally? Usually my weight loss is much slower and I'm lucky to lose a pound a week. I can't exercise much due to knee arthritis so it really is mainly cutting foods. The only thing I'm doing different this time is cutting carbs to under 100 a day (so not massive). I have between 1200 and 1500 calories a day. Don't get me wrong I'm delighted to have lost the weight and long may it continue! I'm just wondering what's so different this time! Last time I lost weight I had 3 weeks in a row without any loss at all even though I was sticking to the diet and I'd often get the odd week without loss. That hasn't happened this time and I've lost every week. You'd think I'd just enjoy the weight loss wouldn't you but having had cancer and constantly being asked by the nurses to let them know if I lost any weight, it's playing on my mind. Silly I know as I'm trying to lose it!!
Well done on the weight loss. I could have written your post too, although I havent had cancer I did wonder if the faster weight loss could be related to being diabetic as weight loss itself can be a sign. I am also restricting carbs to under a 100 a day (aiming for 30g carb per meal or less), and like you I am consistently losing the pounds when previously I would have weeks where I stayed the same x
Well done on the weight loss. I could have written your post too, although I havent had cancer I did wonder if the faster weight loss could be related to being diabetic as weight loss itself can be a sign. I am also restricting carbs to under a 100 a day (aiming for 30g carb per meal or less), and like you I am consistently losing the pounds when previously I would have weeks where I stayed the same x
That makes me feel better. Thanks for replying! I try to have under 30g of carbs per meal too. I don’t know if I’d lose weight being diabetic as I’m only just over the threshold and I wasn’t losing any prior to diagnosis. Honestly a few years ago when I lost 3 stone, there were more weeks I didn’t lose weight than weeks I did. The carb cutting is the only difference so can only assume it’s that!
To loose weight I just cut back on carbs, not calories. If I do low calorie - after half a century of being put on low calorie diets my metabolism just closes down.
I have always found the higher the carb content the less weight I loose - in fact high carb often resulted in weight gain week after week despite attempted exercise and reduced calories.
Agree with @Drummer - it's the carbs every time. In fact my partner (who is significantly overweight but not diabetic) is so impressed by my weight loss that he has just gone low carb too. Like @Drummer I've tried, and failed, over many years to lose weight, increasing my exercise and counting my calories. Now I don't really take much notice of calorie content, just carbs.

Well done on the weigh in and keep up the great work 🙂
Agree with @Drummer - it's the carbs every time. In fact my partner (who is significantly overweight but not diabetic) is so impressed by my weight loss that he has just gone low carb too. Like @Drummer I've tried, and failed, over many years to lose weight, increasing my exercise and counting my calories. Now I don't really take much notice of calorie content, just carbs.

Well done on the weigh in and keep up the great work 🙂
Vonny I can see you’ve lost a lot of weight.. surely you watched calories as well as carbs? I’ve been on so many calorie diets but never reduced carbs before. If it’s that making the difference this time, I’ll be over the moon!! Im afraid not to count calories as well because I fear I’ll gain weight!!
To loose weight I just cut back on carbs, not calories. If I do low calorie - after half a century of being put on low calorie diets my metabolism just closes down.
I have always found the higher the carb content the less weight I loose - in fact high carb often resulted in weight gain week after week despite attempted exercise and reduced calories.
This explains an awful lot about my diets over the years!!I’ve never even looked at carbs until the diabetes diagnosis
To loose weight I just cut back on carbs, not calories. If I do low calorie - after half a century of being put on low calorie diets my metabolism just closes down.
I have always found the higher the carb content the less weight I loose - in fact high carb often resulted in weight gain week after week despite attempted exercise and reduced calories.
I agree with this, although not all carbs seem to affect me, I can eat carrots and peas etc and still lose but what I have completely cut out is bread, potatoes, rice, pasta, cakes, etc my food is not processed at all, so today I did have carbs at breakfast in my porridge, which I had with berries and sliced apple, but a pre diabetic me would have had 2-4 rounds of buttered toast and jam so a big change, I alternate my breakfasts between either porridge and fruit or scrambled egg and grilled tomatoes or Skyr natural yoghurt and strawberries, surprisingly the one that rose my levels the most was the yoghurt one, a diabetic friend told me the Skryr yoghurt had no impact on her levels at all (she had gestational diabetes though so not sure if that is different) todays lunch was vegan sausages with cauliflower, carrots and broccoli followed by a low fat, low sugar yoghurt and my dinner was sliced chicken breast with grated carrots, lettuce, cucumber and tomatoes, my snack was 25g almonds - Calorie intake today is 1129, carbs 101 (slightly over the 100g allowed). I have just tested my level 2 hours after eating and its 6.3, so far diet alone and no medication, I do wonder how low it would go if I was on metformin as well though. 🙂
I agree with this, although not all carbs seem to affect me, I can eat carrots and peas etc and still lose but what I have completely cut out is bread, potatoes, rice, pasta, cakes, etc my food is not processed at all, so today I did have carbs at breakfast in my porridge, which I had with berries and sliced apple, but a pre diabetic me would have had 2-4 rounds of buttered toast and jam so a big change, I alternate my breakfasts between either porridge and fruit or scrambled egg and grilled tomatoes or Skyr natural yoghurt and strawberries, surprisingly the one that rose my levels the most was the yoghurt one, a diabetic friend told me the Skryr yoghurt had no impact on her levels at all (she had gestational diabetes though so not sure if that is different) todays lunch was vegan sausages with cauliflower, carrots and broccoli followed by a low fat, low sugar yoghurt and my dinner was sliced chicken breast with grated carrots, lettuce, cucumber and tomatoes, my snack was 25g almonds - Calorie intake today is 1129, carbs 101 (slightly over the 100g allowed). I have just tested my level 2 hours after eating and its 6.3, so far diet alone and no medication, I do wonder how low it would go if I was on metformin as well though. 🙂
I have bread, not as much.. like you, in the past I could easily eat loads of toast. I have chia seed bread, around 15 carb. I try to have one piece now.. and I have started to have the seriously low carb bread. Someone suggested it on here and so far, it's the best I've tried. 2 pieces of toast is less than 2 carbs so if I feel I want bread but don't have many carbs, I have the low carb option. I find my BG isn't too bad if I stick to under 30 carbs per meal whatever I have. Bananas DO make my BG spike a bit but I've only had 2 in two months. I love them and sometimes i just can't resist!
Vonny I can see you’ve lost a lot of weight.. surely you watched calories as well as carbs? I’ve been on so many calorie diets but never reduced carbs before. If it’s that making the difference this time, I’ll be over the moon!! Im afraid not to count calories as well because I fear I’ll gain weight!!
Hi @Lynne888, I calorie counted to a certain extent when I first started out my diet, and sometimes still do, but actually dropping the carbs also drops the calories hugely. I still keep a diary of what I eat and how much energy I've used via my fitbit. Being a shorty at 7st 10lb means I only expend between 1300 and 1500 cals per day if I don't walk 15-20k steps daily. So keeping an eye on things means I can maintain without worrying. It's just a way of life for me now and I'm much fitter for it!
Well done
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