Today's Appointment

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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
I saw the doctor this am. She had brought up my arguments for allowing Type 2s to test, after a long debate, she was told "no testing", it isn't needed. So that's that as far as they're concerned. I've asked to talk to the PALS rep, but in the meantime I'll just have to scrape the cash to buy my own strips. I've seen them on line for around ?19 for 50.

She's also sent me home with a load more meds. A happy pill called Citalopram, Betnovate (a steroid ointment) for the eczema and some stuff called Diprobase, also for the eczema which is getting quite noticeable on my hands.

She did say she thought my reasons for testing were good ones, but can't go against the practice board.

Damn, damn and thrice DAMN!

Oh, I've lost almost a kilo in two weeks. I have noticed my overhang isn't nearly as overhung as it was and I need to buy a belt to hold up my jeans:D
well done on losing a kilo!!

i was on citalopram (for anxiety) for a couple of years - i took myself off it a couple of months ago. withdrawal was yucky - sweating, shaking, feeling dizzy, etc. it stopped after a week or so.

sorry to hear "The Board" (oh how i'd love to meet thses people!!!!) are being such buggars.
hi ali well done on the kilo loss, but sorry things dont seem to have sorted themselves regarding your testing , like shiv said ohh how ud like to meet these dam people grr
well done on losing a kilo!!

i was on citalopram (for anxiety) for a couple of years - i took myself off it a couple of months ago. withdrawal was yucky - sweating, shaking, feeling dizzy, etc. it stopped after a week or so.

sorry to hear "The Board" (oh how i'd love to meet thses people!!!!) are being such buggars.

Thanks Shiv, and Steff,

I hope I won't be on it for long, and it is the lowest dose. I see from the Wiki blurb that it may be of help with diabetic neuropathy as well as depression. Here's hoping.
Just worth checking that the practice board's opinion on prescribing blood glucose testing strips is supported by Scottish national clinical guidelines. Even if they won't prescribe you blood testing strips, have you asked about urine testing strips - I know these are not as good, but they are better than nothing. At least might help until you can see the PALS person?
I've been reading the Scottish guidelines and sadly, they barely mention testing in any context, though it is inferred in one or two places. These guidelines are being rewritten now and new ones are due out in March next year, I'm told not to get my hopes up as there's not much chance of any greater support from the new guidelines either.

Urine testing might be of value, except that I've had it done at the surgery several times and it's always been clear regardless of my blood glucose levels. I'll ask next time I'm there though.

If I can't get any joy from PALS, my next stop will be my MSP. I'm not giving up till I've exhausted all the avenues.
Stick to your guns Alison. I think it's dreadful that someone who would clearly benefit greatly from testing is being denied the opportunity. There shouldn't be a blanket refusal - as we all know, everyone is different, and it should be decided on a case by case basis. What about the effect on your mental well-being from not being able to test - have they considered that? Knowing what your levels are is of great benefit to your peace of mind IMHO. And look - they've made me angry too! Grrrr!!!!😡
.../What about the effect on your mental well-being from not being able to test - have they considered that? Knowing what your levels are is of great benefit to your peace of mind IMHO. And look - they've made me angry too! Grrrr!!!!😡

I suspect that's partly what the happy pills are for.:D
She's also sent me home with a load more meds. A happy pill called Citalopram,

My son is on that. It does not make him happy, lol, far from it! 🙄

Congrats re the weight loss!

If i were you - i would buy my own strips for 3 months and try as hard as possible to reduce your hba1c - then show them that you actually do benefit from testing - they cant argue with facts! Well done on the weight loss too!:DBev
The doctor actually told me to slow down a bit on the weight loss, she doesn't want me to lose more than a pound a week. So I celebrated tonight with a slice of my favourite apple pie, that should put a few ounces back on.:D

That's a good idea about the testing. I'll do that.
I was on Citalopram 20mg then 40mg for 3 years, then this year it was upped to 60mg but didnt really help me anymore. Was then tried on Escitalopram and have just been taken off that and put on Venlafaxine 75mg have only been on it since friday so too early to say if it is doing me any good, but I have to say I am not getting anxiety or panic feelings since, maybe thats just wishful thinking lol... Hope the happy pill works for you, I know it does for a lot of folks.
I saw the doctor this am. She had brought up my arguments for allowing Type 2s to test, after a long debate, she was told "no testing", it isn't needed. So that's that as far as they're concerned. I've asked to talk to the PALS rep, but in the meantime I'll just have to scrape the cash to buy my own strips. I've seen them on line for around ?19 for 50.

She's also sent me home with a load more meds. A happy pill called Citalopram, Betnovate (a steroid ointment) for the eczema and some stuff called Diprobase, also for the eczema which is getting quite noticeable on my hands.

She did say she thought my reasons for testing were good ones, but can't go against the practice board.

Damn, damn and thrice DAMN!

Oh, I've lost almost a kilo in two weeks. I have noticed my overhang isn't nearly as overhung as it was and I need to buy a belt to hold up my jeans:D

well done on the weight loss my gps are great there have never stop me using test strips and are happy to up my script{as i have gone on insulin in the last 7 months } even when i was on tablets no problems i have a accu check compact meter .this makes me so angry why can one person get strips and another have to fight and pay !!!! for them? i though at first in was the difference rulings between england and scotland but you live in scotland too
Afternoon all. That happy pill has knocked me flat and I only took half a tab at bedtime. Still feel rather dopey now, I wonder if they'll do anything else for me? The doctor says it'll take about a week. Anyway, my other specs are ready, so I'm off to collect them.
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