Today is basal test day. Watch the carnage unfold here!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well today I am doing my first ever basal test on a pump. I never did any on MDI so it's a bit of an experience. I started at 0830 when I woke up. o adcd to that I've already worked out my night basal is insufficient so I've upped that. Three days with 3am BG's at 16 doesn't help.

0830: 7.5
0900: 6.8
0930: 7.0
1000: 8.1
1030: 8.9
1100: 10.1, test abandoned as I have gone higher than I want. 2.5 units of a correction to bring things down. Now to wait for the afternoon.

Then a light meal so I'm not totally starving until the evening when I intend to test from about seven onwards.


Watch the results as they come in. I've not got anything better to do with the day.

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Good luck Tom, I'm keen to see how it goes for you. I tried my first basal test yesterday. Don't think I could manage a whole day carb free though! I have to do mine in stages. Hope it goes well x
This might be a really stupid question, but what is basal testing?
Thanks shiv. Have never been told about it before and had never heard of it before joining this site.
Thanks shiv. Have never been told about it before and had never heard of it before joining this site.

I only found out about it a few months ago to be honest! Makes total sense, especially for pumpers who need different basal rates at different times of the day.
I guess it does. I thought I was being really thick having never heard of it, especially as I have had diabetes for nearly 15 years.
I guess it does. I thought I was being really thick having never heard of it, especially as I have had diabetes for nearly 15 years.

Don't blame yourself, I hadn't heard of this until I did the equivalent of DAFNE where I am. That was about 13 months ago now.

Don't be sorry. I've learned some stuff and made changes as a result of that. Live and learn. It's been helpful and I'm now waiting for the second installment tonight.
Glad you have learnt some stuff and been able to make some changes. Hope that you learn some more tonight.
interesting stuff ...liz i had no idea what it was until a few days ago when shiv was trying to do it xxx good luck to you all 🙂
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