Today i did something

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
i chucked out my deep fat fryer not used it for a while and just decided it had to go. didt want to maybe go down that path of chucking everything in there Yes i have done this in the past😡 I know its not much but it felt like getting rid of a old friend
well done gail ! less temptation hunny xx
Good going Gail unfortunetly the other half and son have fryed chips no matter how much i try and persuade it is a no to changing that , but i have always oven chips anyway so no temptation for me but it was a good step well done x
Nice one Gail ... Well done hun ... :D

I've never had a fryer ... far to much temptation for me ... Luckily Nathan likes oven chips on the rare occasions he has chips ..

Well done. We got rid of the deep fat fryer and the chip pan along time ago as I was always terrified to use them, and we have oven chips. I justift chip shop chips by having a walk to the chip shop.

It is best to do it a bit at a time. We got rid pf the microwave before Christmas as instant/ready meals were too much of a temptation!
thing is lately all i can think of is having some chips droooooooooooooooooooollllll
thing is lately all i can think of is having some chips droooooooooooooooooooollllll

There are vareints to chips hun, have a look in the recipe section theres a few diffirent ideas in there for chips.
We have oven chips. Chips once in a while are OK as a treat and part of a balanced meal My lot would live on chips if they could.
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