To test or not?


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
My stock of testing strips is going to run out next week. I'm going to be in france shortly for 3/4 weeks and was wondering if it was worth stocking up or stopping testing all together.
18 months in I'm not really sure what I'm getting out of testing apart from the routine as waking seems to be consistently around 7.5, before lunch 5 and post lunch 6/6.5. I've started doing a daily average ie results divided by number of tests and excuding obvious highs they're all pretty much the same. Obviously being in France my diet will change with more bread/pastries and richer food but not markedly so.... my days of gluttony are well and truly over.
Currently pay £40 for 250 which isn't an issue.
Any thoughts?
Thanks that sounds sensible. Having tested everyday since diagnosis it almost feels like I need permission to stop.
Thanks that sounds sensible. Having tested everyday since diagnosis it almost feels like I need permission to stop.

Early on in their diagnosis many T2 members here find self monitoring really helpful in terms of seeing how they respond to different meals, snacks, and sources of carbohydrate as an individual.

Once they have established a flexible and satisfying menu, they may only feel the need to check if eating something new, or for special events like a holiday where the routine / food choices may be very different.

Some value a ‘maintenance monitoring’ system of occasional checks to see if things are pottering along uneventfully, or catch any drifts upwards early.

It’s really up to you. Do what you feel works best for your diabetes management 🙂
Thanks that sounds sensible. Having tested everyday since diagnosis it almost feels like I need permission to stop.

Remember testing is your servant not your master. Do what you want to do, not what you think you should 🙂
My DN says first and last thing. I'd do that on hols.
But my readings have never settled can be 4.9 can be 14 - 18 so my advice might be wrong. As the others say do as you feel .
My DN says first and last thing. I'd do that on hols.
But my readings have never settled can be 4.9 can be 14 - 18 so my advice might be wrong. As the others say do as you feel .
Random readings like that don't tell you a lot or give you information on which to base food choices.