To test or not to test?

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Ghost Hunter

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

Can anyone help as I am a little confused with the opinions at my local GP!

I recently attended a general review clinic with the diabetes nurse who recomended I saw the practice dr who specialised in diabetes. The nurse offered me the chance to 'test' but we agreed interesting as it was to see the effects different times of day and foods have on my 'levels' it wasn't necesary unless I was actually on any medication (at that time I wasnt) but if I went onto medication or felt the need to 'test' then to go back and see her and she would give me a free kit.

I then went to the appointment I had with the GP, who prescribed me Metformin this week. I asked her about the need now to 'test' but she said it was not necessary because I wasn't in need to control my blood sugars as I was taking the medication with food.

Now I am really confused - should I go back to the nurse or just take the GP's advice until review?


Dear Ghost Hunter,

There is no point in testing if you are not going to make changes if your reading are above the target you or GP have set. Having said that I am a firm believer in testing and then making changes if the results are not what I expect - see the thread "Progessive Disease"

Regards Dodger

Thanks for the reply but to my knowledge neither of us have set targets.

Sorry I don't really understand all this I don't get a lot of support or information with my diabetes which is why I decided to join this forum as I knew there would be more knowledgable people and those who can explain abit better like you etc. I will read the post you mentioned and maybe understand a little more.

Many thanks,

I'm on metformin and gliclizade, If I didn't test, no one else would monitor my sugar levels.

For me the biggest bonuess of testing are that I can see the effects that different foods and different ammounts of activity have on me. This then allows me to have a treat as I'd go crazy without chocolate from time to time.

Think it's a personal thing. How much responsibility do you want to take for your diabetes?

Well naturally I want to take responsibility for my diabetes but I need the support to understand how to and easy access to advice for simple questions without having to book an apointment at my GP a week away before I forget my question in the first place 😉

My problem is chocolate but I am doing well at the moment and only allowing it once a week, unless I can sneak the 'flavour' in somewhere else like milkshake 😱


Ask away!

My theory is that the only stupid question is the one not asked! No matter how 'trivial' you think your question may be - it is not - and it is important and the whole point of these boards 🙂 So please ask away while you can't ask your GP and we will do our best to answer your queries...
I'd go back to your nurse and see if she can give you a meter, your problem may be getting the test strips as the GP will need to prescribe them. I think that it is more than 'interesting to see what different food etc has on your levels. the result can give you information to act on and allow you to make changes.

talk to your doctor about your targets and what your blood sugar should be.
I don't think anyone would disagree that fasting and pre-meal should be between 4-7
2 hours after meals is more contrivertial, definatly below 10 but back to pre meal target if possible.

Do you like dark chocolate? I personally don't but hear alot of people say it doens't do thier blood sugars too much damage.

stay here a week and i'm sure you'll have loads of questions to put to your GP!
I find with chocolate if I fancy it and have it NOW I'm content with a small ammount, but if I try to avoid it completely then I will it quite a lot.

For me, half the point in testing is to allow myself those sweet treats when I have been good😛.

As we are all different with different routines and lifestyles, where and when we test is a personal matter. If it is important to you, don't let anyone else change your mind, although it is always good to seek the opinion of others if you are in doubt.
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