To anyone stuggerling with mental health lssues


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
want you to know it can get better. Dont give up i have spent some time going thou the system been sectioned 12 times. but now lm living proof that u can beat it. i have done things that i cant post about as i dont wanna trigger or upset people. Life is good You can beat it. There is light at the end of the tunnel. if ur not well reach and ask for help. try the sams 116123 your gp if things get bad dial 999 or present yourself at your local A/E and ask to see the pyciatric liasion team never give up you are worth so much more
Love and peace to u all
Forgive bad spelling very bad dyslexia
That’s a great post, thank you! I remember you from before, and have often wondered what happened to you, as you clearly went through some very difficult times. So glad to see you back and that you are well and being positive. Sending (((HUGS)))