To Adrienne

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Much Missed Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

I just followed your link to, and read the story of Jessica and the trauma and struggles that you have both been through. Although I am 70 years of age, I am not ashamed to admit that I had tears running down my cheeks as I read the story and they were not just tears of sympathy ( I can tell by your love for your daughter that you were not seeking sympathy ) it was a mixture of sadness and also happiness as the story unfolded. I think Jessica has developed into a fantastic fun and intelligent girl, and its all down to the love and devotion of a caring mum.
Thanks for the inspirational start to my day. I send to both you and Jessica my very best wishes for the future

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Ooo goodness John now you have me started, what a lovely message, thank you very much. Jessica is my inspiration as well. I look at her and just think wow. She is such a good girl as well which helps no end and we have a lot of fun together. We are off to the local carnival today. Thank you, you have made my day. 🙂

PS you are right, I don't want sympathy, I want awareness of CHI and type 1 in kids that's all (apart from the fact I would like my daughter to have a nice pancreas !)
WOW what a great insight like john i was in tears (my dad came over thought i was having hyper LOL) what a totally amazing little girl and a huge credit to you Adreinne also you yourself have had it hard but i can see from reading this you and her have such a special bond x
Hi Adrienne

I too have just read your story following the link. Like the others, i cried, but only partly out of sadness because i know you do not want sympathy, only awareness and support. My tears were also from the inspirational emotion i felt. You truly are a loving, devoted and caring mother and Jessica is inspiring, happy, and so beautiful!

So much happens to us in life that we did not plan for or ask for but the secret to happiness is how you deal with the things that happen.

Yours and Jessica's story is inspirational and certainly puts life into perspective.

I send you both love and best wishes for a continued happy, fulfilling and fun life, despite its difficulties.

Nice to see your photos. Pleased to meet you!

Mand xx
Hi Adrienne...

I have just read your's and Jessica's story...and am truly moved by what I have read. I can only mirror what others have said..and you have my deep respect and admiration.

Jessica is a gorgeous little girl..a true princess....🙂

With love form

I think Adrienne is a brilliant mum who has been through one hell of a lot with her daughter. I thought I had had a stressfull few years, but mine is all over and I just have to help an adorable little boy to grow up...
I agree totally! I have also had the honour of meeting Jessica and Adrienne - and i can tell you that they are both lovely happy people - and Jessica is a little ray of sunshine - she didnt even mind showing my son her canula and sensor on her bottom! She is a very pretty little girl too. Also, Adrienne is extremely knowledgable about anything diabetes related and is extremely motivated and committed to helping anyone who needs it!:DBev
Adrienne, you are incredible. I don't know how I would have coped in your shoes. Jessica looks like such a lovely little girl - not surprising I suppose with such an amazing mum!! Wow! Next time I'm tending to self pity, I'm going to read your story again & pull my socks up!! 😱
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