Tiredness .........definitely got it .......why does diabetes make us tired ?

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It doesn't make me tired, but my BG is currently under control. I feel quite alert and awake during the day, far more so than I have before. I get up at around 6:00 and by 10:00 I suddenly feel tired and go straight to sleep (Except for last week when I had CovId and sleeping went a little strange.)

I was struggling before diagnosis as pains in my leg were keeping me awake at night and I was sleeping poorly due to stress with work and I had a high heart rate that I could hear while lying in bed. The pains went after going low carb and I started sleeping again as I learnt to not give a rat's arse about work and just shifted the stress onto people who should have been dealing with it anyway.
My theory is if your blood is clogged with glucose then the cells are not getting enough to work well so they have to work faster. I think when tired type 2 especially feel hungrier and then that’s the cycle we gain weight eat more wrong foods and because our insulin doesn’t key glucose into the cells it’s a cycle that needs to break. We need to get our sugars lowered . Some use metformin some other drugs others cope well on a low carb diet . As our bodies convert carbs to sugar it lightens the load by reducing these, it is good for some but sometimes we need more help . It could be you are anaemic or have cholestral etc . I’d tell your Gp unless you know your bloods are good . It can even be thyroid too. Diabetes is complex . The main thing is to look after yourself as best you can . I find if I don’t drink enough fluid it makes me tired . I also need to make myself move more as that too affects me. I’m not good my sugars are bad . I can’t fo the low carb diet nor will I have metformin so it’s what helps me . Each of us had our own way I hope you find yours .
High blood sugars make me tired.
When I have a good diabetes day, I have much more energy.
In fact, it has been commented that I have more energy than others my age.

I think one reason for this is that I am very active. Exercise gives me energy and helps to manage my BG levels. So i recommend keeping up the walking.
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