Tiredness after work.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I did a twelve hour shift yesterday, after it I was incredibly exhausted. Before the diabetes this shift would not have phased me. I tested my blood sugar when I got home and it was 4.8, the lowest it has been since diagnosis.
Also for the first time since being on Metformin I experienced a side effect, does anyone think the long hours were the cause of my problems? I need to work this out as from the 1st of April I am due to start permanent 12 hour shifts.
Any helpful comments greatly appreciated.
I did a twelve hour shift yesterday, after it I was incredibly exhausted. Before the diabetes this shift would not have phased me. I tested my blood sugar when I got home and it was 4.8, the lowest it has been since diagnosis.
Also for the first time since being on Metformin I experienced a side effect, does anyone think the long hours were the cause of my problems? I need to work this out as from the 1st of April I am due to start permanent 12 hour shifts.
Any helpful comments greatly appreciated.

The long hours MIGHT cause the problems, but metformin is also known to cause the symptoms of an upset tummy and help you get more aquainted with the loo. How long have you meen taking the metformin and which dose? This does ease in time, but if you feel your doctor can help, have a chat.

It is good you blood sugars were low. The tierdness might just be you getting used to the new pattern of working, but keep a note of it and discuss it with your employer and doctor if it feels too difficult to manage. Like all new things it takes a little while to adjust to a n ew working pattern.
I have been on the metformin since October, Saturday night was the first time I had suffered any side effect. I normally have a strong constitution so do put it down to the tablet.
I am seeing my human resources manager today to discuss options and I am also seeing my Doc next week to discuss this.
I have controlled my diabetes with my lifestyle and diet and do not want these new shifts to afect that.
Any kind of change must have an effect, good you are talking to everyone you need to.
Hiya. Please don't take this the wrong way cos i mean it in a nice way, but you can't blame everything on your diabetes. if that was the first 12 shift you have ever done then its pretty obvious you would be tired, physically and mentally. When i started the job i'm in now i had to start getting up at 5am and believe me for the first few months i was exhausted after every shift but now i love my early morning shifts cos my body, brain and attitude have got used to it and in a vague sort of routine that i can stay awake all day and also make the most of my days!
Diabetes will always have some effect on tiredness but if you keep fit and healthy and most of all keep positive then you'll be able to change your rountine easily! Hope this helps and good luck with your job!
I have done 12 and 16 hour shifts before and not been affected before. I know not everything is the diabetes but I am still trying to work out what is the diabetes and what is not.
I only went on Metformin in January, I sometimes work 12 hour shifts but don't always get proper breaks either.I was previous only diet control only for nearly 5 years. Even doing 61/2 and 7 hour shifts has been intresting with the metformin . I looked so rough one day that a collegue told me they were glad I looked better as I had looked awful hours earlier.
I find my levels tend to run higher at work. although i was clamy the other day but my levels had fallen from 10 to 6.5 in the period of about an hour,
I know what you mean grovesy, I have certainly been feeling more run down in recent months. Not something that ever really a problem for me.
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