Tired of finger pricking

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I thought I could get used to having to prick my finger (several times a day) to measure my glucose levels but this is honestly very frustrating. I hate the feeling and it makes me feel so helpless.
I started researching some ways for measuring my glucose levels without a finger prick. For me it's more about knowing when my levels are low so that I can avoid hypoglycemia. I'm not injecting so a pump seems a bit overkill at this stage. Can anyone here recommend other devices that don't require finger prick?
Hello and welcome to the forum.
I think you are a tad confused about a pump :) Insulin pumps deliver insulin and do not give glucose readings.

As you are not on insulin it's the high numbers you need to worry about not the low numbers.
Make sure you poke your finger at the side and also check the depth of the poker as this can make all the difference :)
There is the Dexcom G6, but this requires what they call an applicator to be permanently attached to you. You also need to have an Apple or Android smart phone.
There is of course the Libre system, which I gratefully leapt on after 23 years of finger pricking. Not because I minded doing it, just that it was getting difficult even on level 6 due to skin thickening. Now my fingers are as soft as pillows. Mind, it’s expensive - close to £100 a month for the sensors. I can pay that without blinking, and T1s can occasionally get it on the NHS, but not, I’m afraid, T2s.
Would be interested to hear more about your treatment regime @friendlydiabetic and how your BG checks fit into that. Others in a similar situation might be able to suggest ways to structure monitoring to make it easier.

What is is about monitoring that makes you feel helpless?
Hello and welcome to the forum.
I think you are a tad confused about a pump :) Insulin pumps deliver insulin and do not give glucose readings.

As you are not on insulin it's the high numbers you need to worry about not the low numbers.
Make sure you poke your finger at the side and also check the depth of the poker as this can make all the difference :)
Thanks for clarifying how the pumps work! I assumed they needed to know the glucose levels in order to deliver the right amount of insulin?
The side prick is less painful! Thanks for the tip!
There is of course the Libre system, which I gratefully leapt on after 23 years of finger pricking. Not because I minded doing it, just that it was getting difficult even on level 6 due to skin thickening. Now my fingers are as soft as pillows. Mind, it’s expensive - close to £100 a month for the sensors. I can pay that without blinking, and T1s can occasionally get it on the NHS, but not, I’m afraid, T2s.
This looks amazing. Does it warn you if you sugar levels are rising uncontrollably? I would like to know ahead of time when things are starting to go wrong, rather than realise when feeling ill.
I see there is a patch thing that attaches to the arm - how long is this placed there? Is there a needle prick hidden inside it?
Sorry for all the questions, I'm still trying to find my way around diabetes
Would be interested to hear more about your treatment regime @friendlydiabetic and how your BG checks fit into that. Others in a similar situation might be able to suggest ways to structure monitoring to make it easier.

What is is about monitoring that makes you feel helpless?
I guess it's just loosing a sense of being carefree about eating and exercise. Right now I test four times a day
I guess it's just loosing a sense of being carefree about eating and exercise. Right now I test four times a day

Unfortunately a diagnosis of diabetes brings that ‘lack of carefree’ along for the ride :(

Some people describe the loss of it as a form of grieving. While others find their diagnosis a catalyst to finally start eating more healthily and exercising and end up feeling better in the long run.

What medications, if any, are you on? What do you do with the information your BG checks give you? Are you looking to use them to improve your BG variability and range?