tired of being tired... still

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
this is beginning to depress me.
I feel so tired I could fall over! Why? Why after almost 3 weeks of diet control and tablets going up to 3 a day this week do I still not feel ANY better? I thought I would be beginning to feel at least a tiny bit better by now.
This isnt just tired-need-a-wee-nap kind of tired its more like have-not-slept-for-a-week tired! I want to be in control of my diabetes but I still feel so new and confused. I have no confidence that I am eating the right things, I know I am not eating the very wrong things, no sweets, cakes, coke etc etc but still should I be eating bread? cheese? (wholemeal of course, and edam cheese or low fat)........ I am still clueless, and now its really getting to me. I thought my depression was getting better but this is becoming a trigger for it. Wise words of encouragement and knowledge needed!
Aw sorry to hear you feel bad. Trust us we do know how you are feeling. the tiredness is unexplainable to those who have not experienced it. I was so tired I cried a lot in the beginning (before diagnosis).

the day I was put on insulin was unbelievable, like a fog lifting. Although looking back was a couple of weeks before I felt like my old self. But the tiredness was better within a few days.

I still get tired, if my sugars go high. And when they come down i am ok again. But my energy levels were better straight away. it seems to me that your sugars must be still high. I see from your other posts that you are not testing? Is this still the case? You really need to be testing and monitoring your bg levels so that you can control them better and check that your medications are working. Trust me when they come down you WILL feel sooo much better.
thanks tracy, you are right, i am not testing, i have never been shown or told what or how to. i wouldnt know where to start.
I cant believe you have not been explained this when you were given your info form the doctors/nurse. I am no doctor and I know there is a lot of debate as to whether type 2,s should test or how often. but in my opinion how else do you know how to manage your condition properly?

If I were you I would speak again to your surgery and discuss how you are still feeling. When are you due to go back to review if your meds are working? when I was diagnosed they neved tested my blood at gp,s either which I now find bizarre. They told me to go to chemist and buy a meter. there were so many on the shelf and I didnt know which one to get. The pharmacist told me which one was popular. I had to go home and read how to use. Again WRONG. The diabetic nurse should show you all this (in my opinion).

I think for such a serious disease we are treated so badly. It seems that for most of us we really only get all the info when we get into trouble, (my case admitted to hospital, where I was shown how to use meters, admin insulin etc). why do we have to wait until then?

I have found my voice at gp,s and clinics etc and question and ask all the time. You really need to stand up and be heard to get anywhere and to find out info on this condition.

sorry for going on, especially when you not feeling great. shout loudly and you will get more help. You deserve it. Take care

I was diagnosed type 2 in May and because the tablets were not working i was put on insulin in October, i found i was tired constantly, headaches were a nightmare, when i went on the insulin and got my levels in the morning to 6 instead of 14 i suddenly found i wasn't going back to sleep within an hour of waking, i mean i was exhausted 24/7 so i know exactly what your going through

I was given a tester by a friend as it was her spare and found it invaluable regardless of the 'your a type 2 you don't need to test' attitude and now i'm on insulin they are giving them away so i would definatly invest in one, the one touch ultra's are going in my local chemist for ?8.99
i agree i need to find my voice at the doctors i think, i dont have another appointment for 2 weeks and i feel jus as bad as i have done for last few months. i will mention testing and make sure i am shown how to do it so i can make the decision myself. how often do you need to test? and is it the prick on your finger test? (oh that sounds awfull, lol)....oops

Lol yes you prick your finger, but you get used to it and doing dot to dot when your bored is awesome lol
Ha thats funny! lol

It really doesnt hurt, well hardly. Sometimes it does and I sometimes swear out loud when it does. makes people wonder what the hell I am doing when in public!

You test as often as you need to. I am type 1 and test on average 6 -8 times a day. You really do get used to it pretty quickly.

Hope you feel better soon.:p
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