Tinnitus and vertigo

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, has anyone suffered with tinnitus and vertigo? Mine has been really bad lately, blood sugars have been very high and I’ve recently started on mixed insulin as tablets not working. Really just wondering if the high bloods sugar could be the cause of the bad tinnitus and vertigo.
It’s type 2 I have.
I have type 1 but my tinnitus and vertigo are much worse when my sugars are high. The volume is almost an indicator for me like a reverse hypo symptom. I hope it improves for you.
I have tinnitus and am becoming a bit unsteady on my feet but I am not sure whether that would qualify for vertigo. My tinnitus started at the same time as the neuropathy in my face and got louder as the effect of the neuropathy has got more intense.

Being a curious sort of person I have tried to correlate the volume of the tinnitus with blood glucose level but without any real success. The tinnitus has in fact got more intense over the last few months as my blood glucose levels have generally dropped with taking dapagliflozin.
I’ve had vertigo. It was awful. It sent my blood sugars wild - shooting high then plunging low. But once I got medication for the vertigo, they settled over the next few weeks.
Prediabetes here, I can have 3 varieties of tinnitus in my left ear, 1 in my right. My pulsatile tinnitus started about the same time as my ectopic heartbeat. The calcium channel blocker meds I was first put on made it crazy loud.
A friend (non-diabetic) had vertigo bad (she was reduced to crawling in the house rather than standing up and walking), she's had it a couple of times now.
It may be worthwhile having your hearing checked. Deep wax,infection and hearing loss can all cause Tinnitus and balance issues.
It may be worthwhile having your hearing checked. Deep wax,infection and hearing loss can all cause Tinnitus and balance issues.
Thanks for replying, I’ve had my ears checked for wax, I have a ct scan this month. Hearing test after that. I’ve worked hard keeping my sugars down, reduced salt intake massively, started to see an improvement but this week the tinnitus is creeping back. Hopefully some answers with the result of the scan.
Thanks for replying, I’ve had my ears checked for wax, I have a ct scan this month. Hearing test after that. I’ve worked hard keeping my sugars down, reduced salt intake massively, started to see an improvement but this week the tinnitus is creeping back. Hopefully some answers with the result of the scan.
My other half has suffered with tinnitus for years on and off, nothing seems to make it better or worse and the brain learns to put it to one side until I ask his 'how is your tinnitus' and then he notices it.
Be careful about reducing salt too much as that can upset your electrolyte balance.
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