tingly fingers

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
HELP! Woken up this morning to a 9.7, so am thinking its yet another DP come to irritate the hell out of me. But this morning, the fingers on my right hand are all...tingly. It feels really really wierd trying to type. Usually I only get this when low. Any idea what's going on? My brain has automatically gone into OMGWORRY mode
Perhaps you were lying on your right side?!? To be on safe side, I'd wash hands and re-do blood glucose level.
If I lay awkwardly my fingers and sometimes my whole hand tingles. Not sure when you posted, but did you redo the test? Sometimes we spike for no obvious reason.

When my blood glucose levels were high, I used to wake in the night with pins and needles in my hands and arms. Also, I used to wake with cramp in my calves.

Now that I've normalised my blood glucose levels through changing my diet, these problems have disappeared altogether.

Hope that might help you.

Best wishes - John
like wally if i woke in the night with tingly fingers and tingly toes i would test and i was always HI , not happened for abit but it did go on for about a week with me
HELP! Woken up this morning to a 9.7, so am thinking its yet another DP come to irritate the hell out of me. But this morning, the fingers on my right hand are all...tingly. It feels really really wierd trying to type. Usually I only get this when low. Any idea what's going on? My brain has automatically gone into OMGWORRY mode

Hi there,

Check out Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, which can be a comolication of diabetes.
The nerves/connectors to the first three fingers go through a sheath in the wrist called the Carpel Tunnel. This can be constricted by various causes including diabetes.
In severe cases the sheath is slit to relieve the constriction.

Hi there,

Check out Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, which can be a comolication of diabetes.
The nerves/connectors to the first three fingers go through a sheath in the wrist called the Carpel Tunnel. This can be constricted by various causes including diabetes.
In severe cases the sheath is slit to relieve the constriction.


my doctor suggested that a while ago, but tbh...im hoping its just laying on it funny cuz if it is CTS then thats my archaeology career out of the window :(
I have had my carpel tunnels done on both hands and they are perfect now! There are no side effects to this op - just a week of soreness and then back to normal. If it is carpel tunnel - you can have steroid injections first to see if this sorts it out. If not, an op is needed - but i will warn you that if you dont get it treated - it will get worse! Sorry. Bev
I have had my carpel tunnels done on both hands and they are perfect now! There are no side effects to this op - just a week of soreness and then back to normal. If it is carpel tunnel - you can have steroid injections first to see if this sorts it out. If not, an op is needed - but i will warn you that if you dont get it treated - it will get worse! Sorry. Bev

ooooooooooooh im proper scared now. The admin lady at uni had to give up her archaeology career because of carpal tunnel...maybe a word with the ole GP on weds morning might put my mind at ease...
When I had the same effect a few years back, my GP told me that he was quite willing to send me for a carpal tunnel operation However, he warned me that the operation also had the chance of making things permanantly worse.

I decided not to go ahead and wait to see what happened. My problems disappeared! As I said earlier in this thread that was after I had lowered my blood glucose levels.
my doctor suggested that a while ago, but tbh...im hoping its just laying on it funny cuz (

Hello agian,
"laying on it funny" might be a forlorn hope. CTS tends to be worse and more apparent in the morning because basically we sleep with our hands flexed.
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