tingling fingers/toes

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've noticed that my feet can be sensitive going from cold to hot, and my toes often feel like they're burning when I get in the shower/bath, I just put it down to cold feet going into warm water. But for the last couple of days I've had the same burning/tingling in the very tips of my fingers on one hand, all the time (eg not just in the bath/shower).

Is it something to make an appointment with the doc over, or just normal/inevitable/nothing to worry about?
Hi Lisa, if your levels have been improving recently this can cause your nerves to become more sensitive to things for a while - it's known as transient neuropathy'. I had this frequently during the first 6 months or so after diagnosis as my levels came down from the 30s to within range. I rarely feel it nowadays. If it is worrying you though, do mention it to your doctor.
TBH, I've only been testing on a morning (ranging from 4.5-6.7), because I've been very naughty this last week or so with my birthday and BBQs etc. Diet started again this morning! 😱
have you had you feet and pulses checked recently ?? i have similar probs infact my big toes are quite numb on the sides but my pluses are absolutely fine ...my gp says its my age (46) combined with wearing bad soes in the past ?:confused: i have never worn heels really ...probably those DM from my punk past ?😱
Lisa whens your next appointment with DSN if not too long I should mention it to them x
I'm due my 6 month check up now, didnt know whether they send a letter or whether I'm supposed to arrange it - plus was trying to put it off after last weeks cakes and BBQs, didnt want my HbA1c doing until I can redeem myself lol 😛

Thanks for the info and advice - I was a bit scared it might be neuropathy already, but apart from last week I've been so good. Was secretly gutted when the optician said retinopathy can clear up when you've been good, then said mine hadnt lol. Bad bad Lisa.
Sometimes tingling toes and fingers is caused by sitting or laying badly, but there could be a variety of reasons. It is always wise to get anything you are not sure about and can't find a reason for checked out
organise your check ups ..silly isnt it how they sort of scare us 😱!! and then bring up the tingling with DSN ...good luck 🙂
Will do - suppose that piece of cake left in the fridge...well...I'll bypass it for the salad!
Probably not the same thing but I've been getting itching ankles and lower legs with heat sensitivity, my GP said it was dry skin and gave me a tub of what looks like lard to rub on and said to only wash once a week (legs that is), bit hard in the shower so I interpreted wash as the application of soap, water doesn't count does it?
No I would think water is ok, it's the soap that dries out your skin.

The tingling I have isn't dry skin, I'm really quite obsessed with making sure my skin is moisturised, and it definitely feels nervy.

Not so bad today, still there but it's like I'm getting used to it.:confused:

Forgot to book my appointment again...
For as long as I can remember soap has made me itch, so these days I never use, I only ever use plain water and a clean flannel to wash with. I'm neither scented, nor fowl (foul?) smelling and my skin is improving. I need to moisturise from time to time but always go for something unscented or as gentle as possible.
Well I didnt have to ring in the end, got a letter today with a blood test form with it - appointment is on 14th June, have to do the blood test asap so it's back in time.

Dreading it tbh, I've lapsed over the last fortnight, and I reckon it wont have changed.

The letter was a bit cheeky...it says:

"Diabetes is a chronic condition and as we have no cure, we have to rely on you maintaining good control to prevent any complications developing"

Bit rich considering they wont give me test strips as they say I dont need to test, and yet my optician says I cant prevent my retinopathy getting worse without testing more regularly. I bet if I tell them he said that, they'll say "he's an optician, not a doctor".

Bah. Not looking forward to this appointment at all. I dont think it's helped my cause that I've been testing behind their backs but I dont write anything down...
Try not to worry about the blood test Lisa, it's the past 8-12 weeks, not just the past two. Having said that, I've got one coming up shortly and have been getting higher readings for about a month because of my knee injury stopping me from running. I'm expecting it to be higher :(

Start writing your results down now, you're from Yorkshire and they are costing you money - you should have something to show for them! 😉 Your meter should hold quite a few in its memory so you could look back through it and write them down, it will help your cause in getting strips prescribed 🙂
Yeah, I keep meaning to ring the glucose monitor company for the usb cable for it, but I'm really crud at phone calls (panic) so will do it manually. No ink in my printer but should be sorted before my appointment!

And LOL @ from Yorkshire = moth wallet. My hubby is definitely a thoroughbred Yorkshireman, I however like to think of myself as a Geordie - that's where my folks are from, just we moved away when I was a baby. I moved back for a couple of years as a grown up, but moved back down to Yorkshire ten years ago. I've spent the last ten years wishing I hadnt (shh, dont tell him that, just I miss my folks!).
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