time of month

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
some months my sugars play up before a period, the other three weeks they are ok, cud this be cos am menopausal, anyone else hav the same problem

I can't comment on the menopause aspect, but I definitely find my menstrual cycles affect my BG. I tend to run high for a few days before, then slightly lower than normal the first couple of days. It's great fun!
its just the odd month i get it, when it comes, its ben worse this time just got over nasty virus, so that cud be the problem
Could well be the virus!

It tends to follow a similar pattern, but doesn't have the same affect on my BG every month. Some months I don't notice much difference, others I'm like... woah!! 😱
My levels play up a bit, especially as I get quite bad tempered if I can't have chocolate, although I'm at the age where mine are starting to stop.
I'm the same as Bigpurpleduck... :( Really noticing post baby number 2 how darned PMT-ish I get, can't tell if it's genuine PMT or the BGs rising as much as a week before I'm on! I'm keeping an eye on things & hopefully after accruing a few months' data I'll be able to spot a pattern & programme a different basal profile for that week (ahhahahahahaha, sorry, just laughing at my optimistic naivety there! 😛)

Normally I can live quite happily without chocolate, but at the mo.... gimme gimme gimme!! 😱 Grrrrr...
I'm having loads of problems, I'm 44 and periods are less regular and I get the night sweats (not hypo caused) I tend to get highs before period and then several days of continual hypos. Means I can't do anything those days, really annoys me. Have told doc but he just says "yeah it's hormones" Well fancy that - what a clever man!! How is it affecting you and how old are you?
My sugars fluctuate every time im on it is a pain and also im moody but dont need any excuse for that one 🙂
Could well be the virus!

It tends to follow a similar pattern, but doesn't have the same affect on my BG every month. Some months I don't notice much difference, others I'm like... woah!! 😱

Exactly same here, some months no difference, others high before, then very low first two days. Because its not every month cant do a pattern on the pump because by time you realise its over.
Tracey was just going to ask toffee if they was on a pump and could make adjustments , but like you say no good if different every month
i do wonder sometimes why we have doctors, if my mother hadn't lost 60 years of her memory after a brain anyrism, she cud say how she coped, at least after asking you lovely ppl i have a idea now.

thank you
I can't comment on the menopause aspect, but I definitely find my menstrual cycles affect my BG. I tend to run high for a few days before, then slightly lower than normal the first couple of days. It's great fun!

I'm the same...I used to go high when I was due on, but now I always hypo on the days I'm actually on. so much more sensitive to insulin (or just random lo-ness!!)
I always have hypos when I have my period. It's very predictable aswell: I go low at around 11am and then again at about 3pm each day for 5 days. I have tried reducing the insulin dose at breakfast and lunch but this doesn't seem to work. I was wondering whether to reduce my levemir dose for the first week of my cycle but my waking glucose results are usually okay so would this make me too high in the morning?
Interestingly (or not - you decide!!) my sister gets "non diabetic hypo's" at the time of the month.

Fruitloaf - if it were me I'd probably leave the levemir alone and maybe try a snack an hour before the expected hypo? Don't know if it might help.
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