Time changes

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The time changes at the weekend. How do you deal with this with your pump?
😱 hadn't even cottoned onto that! I would be interested to hear what others do? I can't remember what I did last time, unless I just missed the clocks changing.
i think in my pump manual it says to do it as close to midnight as possible, not sure why, although i've had my pump for several time changes i cannot remember what i did!!! i guess i did what the manual said to, i'd make sure i did it when i had no bolus insulin on board in case it affected the insulin on board function, so either last thing at night or first thing in the morning. hope this helps, not sure it will!
Hi Spiritfree,

I think (?) last year we just changed the time when Alex woke up - we certainly didnt have any problems anyway.🙂Bev
I was told to change the setting when the lowest amount was going through the pump ie closest to midnight. So that's what I have always done. Works ok as well.
So long as you don't change it when it is the highest one going through then you should be absolutely fine. I have changed it when she has woken up and also when I have remembered when I go to bed, which I personally think is the best time but that is only through my choice.

I can't change it between 5 am and 9.30 am as that is her very high basal. As it is at the weekend, she invariably now gets up after 9.30 am so not a problem.

How to alter.

Do change the basal rates to new time. e.g. what was 1 o'clock to the new one o'clock or do you only change the time and leave basals alone?
No you just change main clock..

I normally change the time before going to bed, which is generally around midnight anyway..

This time is slightly differnt has I shall have to take a look to see if I change the pump and the meter seperately or not! As I've now got the spirit Combo, off to find the manual
Oh my goodness thanks for the prompt - I would totally have missed this & been horribly out of sync lol! 😱:D
Thanks for help, everyone. I just changed the time and all is well. I do seem to be good at complicating things!! Thanks again.
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