Time change?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
At the risk of asking a stupid question, what is everyone doing with their pumps and the clocks going forward? :confused:

I never used to bother when I was on lantus, because an hour either way didn't make much difference, but now I'm thinking that if I change the time on my pump, will all of my basals be out by an hour while my body gets used to the time change? Or does it not make much difference?

It's entirely possible I'm just overthinking this... 😛
I just changed mine, but then it only affects my bolus at the moment.
I changed all my clocks and forgot to change my insulin pump! So I switched this morning at 7am. I dont have much variant in my basal at the moment so it didnt cause a problem.

Next time we will have to have a thread to remind us to change our pumps as well!
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