time change

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Silly question i know - but how do you all cope with the hour change? Alex normally has his levemir at 9 o clock - should i give it at 9.30 tonight and then 9 tomorrow? So confused! :confused:Bev
Not a silly question at all.

I am not too strict about when i take my basal insulin so won't worry about the one hour time change.
Hi bev, kojack's thread 'Change to BST' asks the same question. Personally, I'm just going to take my lantus at the normal times, I doubt the hour's variation is going to have much effect.
there was a bit of a discussion on here earlier about this and different approaches. I'll adjust by half an hour tonight and then bring it back to the ('new') normal time tomorrow. A lot of people do their basal injection an hour eitherside of the target time so often there's no need to adjust.
But I think you need to go the other way if you're doing the approach you describe and go for 830 tonight then back to 9 tomorrow... I think! The more I think on time changes the more I seem to confuse myself so maybe someone else could confirm.....?!
I think your right? I am confused - and it doesnt take much! lol. Can someone tell us? Thanks. Bev
Hi Bev - this is Bev!

If i were you i would do it at 8.30 and then again at 9 tomorrow! Hope that helps? I know your on here on your own tonight - everyone is having a good time - its saturday night after all! What are you doing Bev? Well, i am sitting here worrying about flippin diabetes again! You need to get out more Bev - Yes i know i do! Bye! Thanks for your reply Bev. Dont mention it! Bev xxx

enter : men in white coats.........
Thanks Katie - i had read it but it didnt really help! :) Bev
Hi Bev - this is not Bev, it's John
Just kept myself busy altering non radio clocks, checking that I've set DST on seven computers (the ones in the loft will be done in the morning)
Watched weather data and realised it's already -2C and frosty.
Persuaded the dog to go in the garden to pee.
Darned critter - now persuaded her to go into the garden to pewk the foliage she ate after she peed.
Washed up late night soup mugs.
Completely cocked up an ebay purchase.
Oh. I forgot. Stopped worrying about clock changes and bg levels for the next 48 hours.
Time and how I feel and meter tests will sort it out.

Dreaming of buffet lunch tomorrow. Whoopee it will be here an hour sooner than I expected.

Better do a bg test and hit the sack.

Wow! It's been a great Saturday night. I'm alive and feel great for one so ancient.

Night night Bev. cyber virtual hug
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Kojak, Its so nice to know someone else is having a mundane saturday night!

Goodnight - hope the bed bugs dont bite!:) Bev x
Kojak, Its so nice to know someone else is having a mundane saturday night!

Goodnight - hope the bed bugs dont bite!:) Bev x

hehe, ive just got back (well, an hour ago now) from a 7km midnight charity walk. usually i'd be out drinking so it was probably for the best!
Well done Katie! It was really cold here last night - i hope you were wrapped up warm!:DBev
Well done Katie! It was really cold here last night - i hope you were wrapped up warm!:DBev

Thanks Bev, Yeah I had a hat on and a coat, it was quite cold :D
I thought it was going to be easy but my feet started rubbing! ive got two huge blisters :rolleyes: hehe oh well.
Thanks Bev, Yeah I had a hat on and a coat, it was quite cold :D
I thought it was going to be easy but my feet started rubbing! ive got two huge blisters :rolleyes: hehe oh well.

Well done on the walk katie! Do pay close attention to those feet though, hope they heal up nice and quickly!:)
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