Time between blood tests

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Dear all,
As some here know I have changed my lifestyle and diet as a first step towards managing diabetes.

I thought I would be having 3 monthly bloods but on returning to my GP he stated I had 'refused metformin' and would be tested only at 6 months (so in 3 months time).

Is this standard over the UK, I live in Herts.

Thx fran the potter
Dear all,
As some here know I have changed my lifestyle and diet as a first step towards managing diabetes.

I thought I would be having 3 monthly bloods but on returning to my GP he stated I had 'refused metformin' and would be tested only at 6 months (so in 3 months time).

Is this standard over the UK, I live in Herts.

Thx fran the potter
Normally it would be 3 months after diagnosis and then 6 months after that and then every year if things are going in the right direction.
It may be that they think that if you are managing with dietary changes only that it will take 6 months to show in the HbA1C whereas the change may be quicker if taking meds.
You can always check your progress with a home monitor to make sure you are doing the right thing and are on track.
I concur with @Leadinglights
It's irksome that the NHS seems to not first give people time to change diet and exercise before offering medication. But, if you're making changes and feeling the benefit, 6 months isn't long to wait. Hopefully, your changes will bring positive results and obviate the need for medication.
Good luck! Nick.
Dear all,
As some here know I have changed my lifestyle and diet as a first step towards managing diabetes.

I thought I would be having 3 monthly bloods but on returning to my GP he stated I had 'refused metformin' and would be tested only at 6 months (so in 3 months time).

Is this standard over the UK, I live in Herts.

Thx fran the potter
Once a year is standard, so 6 months in is nice to have an earlier indication of how things are going
According this NHS website, tests every 3 months until stable and then six months.
(I was told every year once I was stable.)

Doesn't say anything about whether you're taking medicine or doing it by diet.
Maybe (and I am only speculating) your GP is concerned that you need motivation to maintain your change in lifestyle for 6 months even if you are seeing a change in your HBA1c after 3 months. I can see some people taking their foot off the pedal if they see improvements "too soon".

And I guess there is a matter of costs.

Not that I would agree with either of these reasons but if you are testing your BG at home you should be seeing improvements if your changes are making a difference in the right direction.
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