Thyroid problems

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Some of you may have read my post in the pregnancy forum about my recent hospital visit. I was diagnosed with an under active thyroid. My TSH level was 9.1 and it should be under 3 apparently. The consultant said I had this problem because of my diabetes being an auto immune disease and it come hand in hand with diabetes. Has anyone else got it?
I always thought if thyroid was under activie i'd be over weight, but i'm not over weight. Is this the case?

Also is this level of TSH, really high? I have googled it but more confussed than ever and never asked all these questions on Monday but will ask in 4 weeks when i have to go back.
i have an under active thiroyde and i am not over weight i am really short and my twin sister has as well but she is over weight i dont think is only the medical problem is also what you eat and lifestyle because beeing genetic identical we are not the same shape at all , my sister has a lots of kg more than me
thanks for that. Have been googling it and trying to find answers, maybe not the best idea. I do have a few of the symptoms i've read, tired all the time, i have always been tired and doctors blamed it on diabetes but has def got worse recently. Other symptoms, glands swelling up, had this in the summer, dry skin, irrationale, i've had alll these recently.
Does the TSH level of 9.1 sound really high?
sorry but i can remember a lot because i had lots of test done 8 years ago when i was trying for graham and i am not taking anything i suppose i will have some test maybe now but i am already prgnant so they dont have to check any hormones now like 8 yearsb ago
Thanks for reply, thats how they discovered my level was high at the pre pregnancy clinic on Monday. It explains alot, the 58 day cycle and not regular period. Fingers crossed the medication starts working and gets me back to normal, if thats possible!!
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