thyroid effect

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I am knew to all this and have a simple... well alright bit complicated question.
On random blood glucose testing i have had 11-13mmols - enough to be diabetic according some literature!

few days later, less stressed and still eating same stuff sugars are back down to below 7 mmols

The only drug i take is thyroxine.

So the question is, does thyroxine and hypothyroidism affect blood sugars, and more importantly how?

I believe it does. Many betablockers and thyroxine MAY increase your blood glucose level.
Thyroxine alters your metabolism, so on occasions breaks down certain foods in such a way that your bg temporarily increases.
Check with your GP who prescribed it. Are you taking 100mg or more each day?
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I believe it does. Many betablockers and thyroxine MAY increase your blood glucose level.
Thyroxine alters your metabolism, so on occasions breaks down certain foods in such a way that your bg temporarily increases.
Check with your GP who prescribed it. Are you taking 100mg or more each day?

Yeah this is what i have heard too, but not finding much on a literature search.

Might well leave the GP out of the loop for now, sometimes causes more issues!
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