Three months later


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
So after being diagnosed with T2 in the summer with a blood test result of 54 I agreed with my GP to make some lifestyle changes and not to go straight on medication. Had a new blood test this week and it’s now down to 39 so pretty chuffed. Over the summer I’ve managed to lose just over 3 stone in weight, cut out all chocolate etc, reduced my carb intake and increased my exercise levels. Now I just need to keep it up . I must say on the plus side I feel better than I have felt for years.
That is great news was that just diet and exercise or where you on meds
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That's a great result - well done. If you're still below 48 on your next HbA1c that's officially remission (3 months below 48 with no meds) so you're well on your way if you keep it up. I also found that losing weight and getting my BG back to normal numbers resulted in me feeling better than I've felt in years.
Thanks for the update @RPM

And what cracking results you have achieved.So pleased to hear you are feeling better as well as seeing positive changes in your numbers. I think the feeling better side of things is so important, and can help the positive changes to really bed-in long term 🙂
Well done @RP on a really good HbA1c result. Changes to your diet and exercise regime have really paid off. It's good you didn't need medication to help. Wishing you every success with the next reading and hoping you find your diabetes classed as in remission.
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Well done @RMP what a great result, I'm hoping for a similar result in a few weeks time
Like you, diagnosed T2 with a reading of 51, but not even offered meds, just told by text to have a look at this site and go cure yourself and come back in 3 months for another blood test.

So I've concentrated on the 3 things that I could control

1) Weight
2) Diet
3) Exercise

My weight has gone down 19lbs (BMI now 24)
My wife has changed my diet to a no or, very little carb diet and no known sugars
Exercise has increased

My finger prick test (as of this morning) shows a reading of 4.8 (non diabetic)

This has all been achieved in 11 weeks which I think is pretty damn good, just hope my next blood test agrees with me

Alan 😉