Threat to take me off the pump

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I saw my DSN yesterday and she is threatening to take me off my pump. She said that when the GPs take over the funding, they won't fund a new pump or consumables because I haven't shown that i can get better control on the pump.

I've been on it for 6 years and no I haven't got better control, but I have MAJOR hypo phobia which prevents me from using the pump to its advantage.

I don't want to give it up!!! Going back to shots feels like a huge backwards step.
Sorry to hear this Donna :( She should be helping you to overcome your fears and improve your control, not stressing you out and making you fear for the loss of your pump! I'd suggest contacting Input to see if they can put your fears to rest, and suggest any help that may be available:

I'm sure you are not alone in this, hopefully some of our pumping members can share their experiences with you.
I saw my DSN yesterday and she is threatening to take me off my pump. She said that when the GPs take over the funding, they won't fund a new pump or consumables because I haven't shown that i can get better control on the pump.

I've been on it for 6 years and no I haven't got better control, but I have MAJOR hypo phobia which prevents me from using the pump to its advantage.

I don't want to give it up!!! Going back to shots feels like a huge backwards step.

it sounds to me as if your DSN is a major *itch 😡 Now if what she is saying is true you would have been taken off the pump a long time ago, I would have thought.

As Northerner says contact INPUT. Or how about saying OK help me by providing sensors (CGMS)
As already said INPUT is your first port of call...

Is this DSN a hospital clinic or your doctor surgery DSN?

At the end of the day, it's a opinion of hers, she doesn't know what really going to happen after the doctors surgeries take over the funding...

After all even though the funding will come via your doctor surgery instead of the PCT, it still your consultant whose making the decission on your pump not your GP... And it will always remain that a consultant will overule the GP when it comes down to patient medical needs...

But I would discuss with either your consultant or your GP, your fears of hypo and how it's impacting on what you can achieve with the pump, and ask for counselling to address your phobia, even if with help you could get your phobia lessened in being uncomforable about an hypo, you would find this would help you a lot....
Hi Donna

Yep agree with the others, contact INPUT, they are fantastic with their help.

In my view you are a prime candidate for sensors or a CGMS especially with the new more accurate Medtronic sensors coming out in April or the brilliant Dexcom. You would be able to see what is happening nearly to the minute and stop hypos from occuring. We prevented about 3 or 4 hypos last week purely using the alarms and alerts on a sensor and pump.

Your DSN should be helping you not frightening you. What is your consultant like, do you have a good relationship? If so then maybe you should bypass the nurse and speak to the consultant.
it sounds to me as if your DSN is a major *itch 😡 Now if what she is saying is true you would have been taken off the pump a long time ago, I would have thought.

As Northerner says contact INPUT. Or how about saying OK help me by providing sensors (CGMS)

Hi Donna,

If your fears of hypo mean that you arent using your pump to its full potential - then I think asking for CGM's is the way forward like Sue says - it must be worrying for you - but trying out sensors first might be a better way forward.🙂Bev
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