Thousands of carers set to lose benefits

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Thousands of carers in England, Wales and Scotland are set to lose benefits when new disability-claim rules start.

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) says 5,000 carers currently eligible for a ?58.45 a week allowance will no longer be when personal independence payments replace the disability living allowance this April.

It says the changes are necessary and 20,000 additional carers should gain.

Charity Carers UK says this is "cold comfort" to those who will miss out.

Well I think this will cost far more than it saves as local authorities will have to replace the care that friends and relatives provide with something that cost far more than the current benefits.
Well bearing in mind I don't understand the old system, I reckon I have zilcho chance of understanding the new one. Not that it affects my life, hence why I don't understand it - I have never tried to.

Trouble is once you need to claim any of it, DWP expect you to be completely familiar with the rules, which they don't really explain to you!

Just usually tell you after - Oh well you should have done so and so then - too late now ....
I think what upsets me most about these kinds of stories is that, although the government is looking at the amount all those little payments adds up to and thinking 'Ooh, we can save a lot there!', they are overlooking how many individuals lives they are putting under such severe strain - as if they didn't have enough to cope with already :( There isn't a single politician in any party who can understand what a huge loss this can be to people who may already be living hand-to-mouth - to all of them this is the cost of a lunch or their daily coffee. This isn't 'treat' money for luxuries :(

Yet they would rather take this away from people (after of course vilefying them at every available opportunity) than take a little extra from those who would barely register a change in their living standards.
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