Thoughts please

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Been type 2 for a few years
My levels were lower than they are now and I had diabetic retinopathy however now my levels are higher I don’t have diabetic retinopathy
My brain can’t compute anyone for any ideas?
It can sometimes be changing levels that can trigger some retinopathy so when levels stabilise even if a bit higher your eyes can self repair. Many can get 'that letter' saying retinopathy detected but by the next check they are all clear.
Obviously keeping blood glucose as well managed as you can helps prevent further problems.
It can sometimes be changing levels that can trigger some retinopathy so when levels stabilise even if a bit higher your eyes can self repair. Many can get 'that letter' saying retinopathy detected but by the next check they are all clear.
Obviously keeping blood glucose as well managed as you can helps prevent further problems.
Been type 2 for a few years
My levels were lower than they are now and I had diabetic retinopathy however now my levels are higher I don’t have diabetic retinopathy
My brain can’t compute anyone for any ideas?
Why not pursue reversal of your condition?
Why not pursue reversal of your condition?
I don’t really understand question
Do you mean why haven’t I asked the NHS dept that diagnosed reversal?
I can’t speak to the NHS screening practitioner, admin answer calls to patients and can’t forward queries - I am told I can raise it at next appointment (appointments are yearly)
I have a GP appointment where I can hopefully ask this as well as discuss other medical issues, it’s not until 16th (sometimes only allowed discuss one condition/issue per consult)
I was seeking other patients thoughts, experiences and advice as they are usually best informed in my opinion (stage four cancer was caught after patients in another forum raised red flag and advised of a specific scan - while NHS specialist was dismissing my symptoms, insisting stage three removed with clear margins - patient forums can be amazing sources of correct information)
@mhtyler is referring to the research done in Newcastle that showed weight loss can, for some people, bring the beta cells back into working order and achieve normal glucose levels.

However, it doesn't work for everyone, and depends on the duration of diabetes and maintaining the weight loss, which is not easy.

As we don't know your personal circumstances it was not a useful suggestion to make.

Retinopathy is generally cause by elevated levels for some times, but other factors can cause it like blood pressure. Maybe when you had it originally you'd been elevated for some time, but it improved when levels came down again and might still be OK even though levels have risen again.
Hi @Maj and @mhtyler. Having looked back through your olders posts, @Maj, it is clear that you are far from somebody whose diabetes might be "reversed" by the "Newcastle" approach, something that has been an absolute revelation for @mhtyler.

One thing we all must be aware of is that although our personal experiences will be of value to everybody, what has worked for us might not actually be applicable to others. As we keep on saying - there is no magic solution to dealing with all the trials and tribulations associated with controlling blood glucose. You have to find what works for you. When you find it, then by all means shout about it if only to encourage others to think that there is a way for them. They just have not found it yet.
I don’t really understand question
Do you mean why haven’t I asked the NHS dept that diagnosed reversal?
I can’t speak to the NHS screening practitioner, admin answer calls to patients and can’t forward queries - I am told I can raise it at next appointment (appointments are yearly)
I have a GP appointment where I can hopefully ask this as well as discuss other medical issues, it’s not until 16th (sometimes only allowed discuss one condition/issue per consult)
I was seeking other patients thoughts, experiences and advice as they are usually best informed in my opinion (stage four cancer was caught after patients in another forum raised red flag and advised of a specific scan - while NHS specialist was dismissing my symptoms, insisting stage three removed with clear margins - patient forums can be amazing sources of correct information)
I thought your original message was a simple inquiry into how to handle your type 2 diabetes. Its clear now that your situation is well above my paygrade. Best of luck.
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