Thought this may be of interest

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Another reason to ban sugary drinks

Researchers tracked 60,500 people taking part in a large-scale health study in Singapore.

Over 14 years, 140 of them were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, which is one of the most deadly forms of the disease.

The scientists found that people who drank two or more soft drinks per week had an 87% increased risk compared to those who did not.

Study leader Dr Mark Pereira, from the University of Minnesota, said: "The high levels of sugar in soft drinks may be increasing the level of insulin in the body, which we think contributes to pancreatic cancer cell growth.

"Singapore is a wealthy country with excellent healthcare. Favourite pastimes are eating and shopping, so the findings should apply to other Western countries."

Pancreatic cancer is relatively rare, affecting around 7,600 people each year in the UK.

But only 2% to 3% of patients survive as long as five years.

Cancer Research UK said that evidence on the link between soft drinks and cancer is inconsistent.

Spokeswoman Jessica Harris said: "Although this study included a lot of people, very few of them developed pancreatic cancer so it is difficult to know if soft drinks do increase the risk of pancreatic cancer, or whether the results are just down to chance.

"Also, people who drank lots of fizzy drinks in this study were more likely to be unhealthy in other ways, like smoking, eating more calories, and being less active, so it is difficult to separate the effects of all of these things."

The findings have been published in the journal Cancer, Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevent.
oh Katie, that's a comfortable thought, not!

I drink gallons of diet Coke
The sweetners in diet drinks probably cause cancer too! 😉 :D

they do say dont they that aspartame causes cancer.


breathing air will cause cancer next
Sorry Alison, I heard of sweetners causing cancer before I heard of sugar causing!

Watch out for the diet coke though, it can effect blood sugar levels!!

they do say dont they that aspartame causes cancer.


breathing air will cause cancer next

You are right sam, everything causes cancer. Especially according to the daily mail.

Breathing air causes us to age and therefore eventually kills us. Bad times :(
Katie, why do you say diet Coke causes problems, as I said I drink gallons
I knew a couple of people who never touched fizzy drinks, but dies within a week of being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. One of them hardly ever had sweet food and stuck mainly to water and milk.

I know sugar, too much sugar is not good for us, and the health warnings are right, but sometimes it is not the culprit.
Oo-er... Scary!!
Katie, why do you say diet Coke causes problems, as I said I drink gallons

It's just that all the caffeine in it may mess with your levels. Also in terms of weight, scientists have said that the sweetner's make you crave real glucose, because you've been drinking something sweet that contains next to no calories:

"Artificial sweeteners may affect your body?s ability to judge how many calories you consume because you are getting something sweet without any calories. When no calories are consumed, the body may continue to crave what it expected and could lead to overeating or bingeing."

Any fizzy drinks are pretty bad for you, so you probably just shouldn't drink gallons. I used to drink diet coke everyday, but now I just don't buy it and only have it when I go out or occassionally at home.
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