this sucks

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
ok joke over i do not want this anymore this whole diabetic thing sucks take it away i dont want this anymore.
Forgot to take gluo tabs when I went for petrol had to run into tesco drinking juice b4 paid security guard thought i was drunk utter emmbarrisment etc etc
been playing with my daughter hypo again worst I have eaten totly correct today.
Feel crap sick of this is it the cold?
rant over
ok joke over i do not want this anymore this whole diabetic thing sucks take it away i dont want this anymore.
Forgot to take gluo tabs when I went for petrol had to run into tesco drinking juice b4 paid security guard thought i was drunk utter emmbarrisment etc etc
been playing with my daughter hypo again worst I have eaten totly correct today.
Feel crap sick of this is it the cold?
rant over

Hello Colin,
As you haven't been diabetic for long I would suspect you are going through your honeymoon period.
IE your pancreas is having it last gasp and splutter before it kicks the bucket completely.
Action to take! Would it not be a good idea to reduce your insulin? It sounds as if your have far to much basal(background insulin)
I would also think very carefully about driving if you are getting into such a state at the moment. If you hypo at the wheel your license is gone. You are also a danger to everyone else. So please have a good think about this until you are more stable.
Great Talking Mate
We Have All Been That Way 1957 You Only Had Wee Or Pee To Check Sugars Now Its Like Science Fiction . Every Min Hour And Day You Will Be Better Check Sugars Before You Drive Is Must You Owe It To Your Daughter
Good Luck Good Rant Old Boy 51 Years Insulin
Hi Colin

I really feel for you, I won't pretend I understand totally as I am not diabetic but my 8 year old daughter has been for 8 years.

You are right, the cold or rather this severe cold can affect blood sugars. I know several mothers whose children have had to decrease their insulin during this really bad cold spell. It works the opposite as well and in very hot weather this could also cause hypos. It could however be honeymoon as well if you are newly diagnosed.

On another message board I belong to by sheer coincidence we have been chatting about driving and there are some recommendations from the DVLA that have popped up plus some hints from other people :

1. Always test before your drive, especially if like yourself you are a bit dodgy (sorry about the word :confused:)

2. If on the low side (not hypo but could drop) eat something or take some sugar etc.

3. Always carry stuff with you ie coke, sugar or whatever you use

etc etc

Apparently the DVLA's recommendations are on their website or you can phone them.

I hope you get these lows sorted out. If you are newly diagnosed get on the phone on Monday to your diabetes team and get them to sort you out ie change regime or alter things.

Take care 🙂
Hi Colin, yes life sucks sometimes, but you have us. have a rant here. We are all diabeticor are supporting someone who is.

While it is cold it is sensible for us all to keep warm, so make sure you have plenty of warm clothes on. I personally don't care how stupid I look as long as I am warm...

Test regulalrly, it will help you to know when you are getting low and you can take steps to prevent a hypo. Having seen kids grow up without a daddy I know how much it affects them, especially when it is something that could have been orevented. Sorry that sounds like emotional blackmail.

My reason for emotional blackmail: last year my husband and I adopted a little boy who had been through the mill one way and another who needs a loving supportive complete family now. Yes I test on a regular basis, and I am getting to know the tell tale signs my sugars are low and am able to do something about it.

On that note I hope you are feeling better. Just remeber life sucks for someone every day for whatever reason.
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